For each ADx pin, the corresponding I2S:AIFWMASKx register determines which sample words are present in memory:
- For each frame when I2S:AIFFMTCFG.DUAL_PHASE = 0 (DSP format):
- Input: The I2S:AIFWMASKx.MASK register determines whether or not channels are stored to memory.
- Output: The I2S:AIFWMASKx.MASK register determines whether or not channels are fetched from memory. The ADx output is low for excluded channels.
- For each frame when I2S:AIFFMTCFG.DUAL_PHASE = 1 (I2S, LJF, and RJF formats):
- Mono: I2S:AIFWMASKx.MASK = 0x01
- Input: Left (0) channel is stored to memory.
- Output: Left (0) channel is fetched from memory and is repeated for the right channel.
- Stereo: I2S:AIFWMASKx.MASK = 0x03
- Input: Left (0) and right (1) channels are stored to memory.
- Output: Left (0) and right (1) channels are fetched from memory.