SWCU192 November 2021 CC1312R7 , CC1352P7 , CC2652P7 , CC2652R7
The COMMAND_RESET command tells the bootloader to perform a system reset. Use this command after downloading a new flash image to the CC13x2x7 and CC26x2x7 devices to cause the new application to start from a reset. The normal boot sequence occurs and the flash image runs as if from a hardware reset. Also, use this command to reset the bootloader if a critical error occurs and the host device wants to restart communication with the bootloader.
The bootloader responds with an ACK signal to the host device before actually executing the system reset. This ACK signal informs the updating application that the command was received successfully, and the CC13x2x7 and CC26x2x7 devices are then reset.
The format of the packet including the command is as follows:
unsigned char ucCommand[3];
ucCommand[0] = <size=3>;
ucCommand[1] = <checksum>;
ucCommand[2] = COMMAND_RESET;