SWCU192 November 2021 CC1312R7 , CC1352P7 , CC2652P7 , CC2652R7
Command ID number: 0x0601
CMD_READ_RFREG is an immediate command that takes the parameters listed in Table 26-41.
Byte Index | Field Name | Bits | Bit Field Name | Type | Description |
0–1 | commandNo | W | The command ID number | ||
2–3 | address | W | The offset from the start of the RF core hardware register bank (0x4004 0000) | ||
4–7 | value | R | Returned value of the register |
On reception, the radio CPU reads the RF core register with address 0x4004 0000 + address. The result is written to value. If the address is not divisible by 4, the radio CPU returns ParError in CMDSTA.
CMD_READ_RFREG may be sent as a direct command. If so, the address is given by bits 2–15 of CMDR, with the 2 LSBs of the address set to 00.
When reading is performed, the result is returned in value. The 24 LSBs of the result are returned in CMDSTA bits 8–31. The result returned in CMDSTA is DONE.