SWCU192 November 2021 CC1312R7 , CC1352P7 , CC2652P7 , CC2652R7
This section describes the important relation of the RESULT_AVAIL interrupt activation and the data writing completion of the DMAC inside the crypto core.
The RESULT_AVAIL interrupt is activated when the AHB master finishes the data write transfer from the crypto core and the internal operation is completed. However, that does not ensure that data has been written to the external memory, due to latency from the AHB master to the destination (typically a memory). This latency might occur in the AHB bus subsystem outside of the crypto core, because this system possibly contains bridges.
If this latency can occur, the host must ensure (using a time-out or other synchronization mechanisms) that external memory reads are performed only after all memory write operations are finished.