SWCU192 November 2021 CC1312R7 , CC1352P7 , CC2652P7 , CC2652R7
Command ID number: 0x0401
CMD_ABORT is a direct command.
On reception, the radio CPU ends ongoing radio operation commands as soon as possible. Analog circuitry for RX and TX is safely turned off, and data structures are updated so they are not left in an unfinished state.
If a radio operation command is running when the CMD_ABORT is issued, the radio CPU produces a COMMAND_DONE and LAST_COMMAND_DONE interrupt when the radio operation command finishes. The status of the command structure of that radio operation command reflects that the command was aborted.
If no radio operation command is running, no action is taken. The result signaled in the CMDSTA register is DONE in all cases. If a radio operation command is running, CMDSTA may be updated before the radio operation ends.