3.1 20 GHz LO Sync Pins Connectivity
Table 2 shows the recommended combinations of pins to be used in 20 GHz LO sync on Master chip when the LO feeds back into the same chip.
Table 2. Recommended Combinations of Pins to be Used in 20 GHz LO
Combination |
Master LO Output |
Master LO Input |
Ground |
1 |
2 |
General guidelines on 20 GHz routing:
- Keep the LO routing distance as small as possible.
- LO Input ports: There are two LO input ports. These are labeled FM_CW_SYNCIN1 and FM_CW_SYNCIN2. These two ports are provided to aid routing of the LO distribution on the PCB. Only one input port can be used at a time. The unused port must be shorted to ground directly at the BGA
- LO Output Ports: There are two LO output ports. Either port can be used or both ports can be used. Unused LO output ports should be left floating at the BGA pad.