Since no 'directory' option exists (reading the files list from the device), there is no way that the user can know what files are already flashed into the device
File removal is harmless in case the file does not exist on the device
The limitation (that might be confusing): after deletion is completed, the file is still reflected in the GUI.
{{#if: |
{{#if: |{{{1}}} }} it is possible to remove it from the GUI as well as from the device. For more information, see Section 7.9.
Storage Format: it is the user responsibility to know the capacity of the serial flash and format it accordingly
UART connection: only 921600bps is supported
Linux related:
No automatic reset of the connected target is supported (unlike Windows version)
Using 'Verify' option (for files ot image) results in much slower content reading than the Windows version
It has been observed occasionally that communication with the target device is halted. It mainly happens during large content reading (with 'Verify' flag checked)