SBOK096A February 2025 – March 2025 SN54SC8T164-SEP , SN54SC8T374-SEP , SN54SC8T574-SEP , SN54SC8T595-SEP
The purpose of this study is to characterize the single-event-effects (SEE) performance due to heavy-ion irradiation of the SN54SC8T595-SEP. SEE performance was verified at minimum (1.2V) and maximum (5.5V) operating conditions. Heavy-ions with an LETEFF of 50MeV-cm2/ mg were used to irradiate three production devices with a fluence of 1 × 107 ions / cm2. The results demonstrate that the SN54SC8T595-SEP is SEL-free up to LETEFF = 50MeV-cm2 / mg as 125°C. SET performance at maximum operating voltage saw no excursions ≥ |1%| , as shown and discussed in this report. SET performance at minimum operating voltage saw one excursion ≥ |1%|, as shown and discussed in this report.
The SN54SC8T595-SEP Single-Event Effects (SEE) radiation report covers the SEE performance of all four devices listed below. The SN54SC8T595-SEP device covers all functional blocks and active die area of the other three devices, which is why the device was selected for single-event effect testing for this group of devices.
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