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As a result of its high performance, depending on its programmed capabilities (clock frequency, logic usage), the total on-chip power required for an FPGA could be as high as 30 W. The core voltage of the chip, VCCINT, needs a large percentage of this power. At about 0.95-V nominal (see the XQRKU060 data sheet and Xilinx Power Estimator [XPE] for exact values), depending on the bitstream deployed, this power could translate to more than 25 A of current. Additionally, because of the advanced XQRKU060 process-node technology, the VCCINT voltage electrical tolerance requirements are tight; this tolerance includes electrical performance as well as radiation effects. Therefore, powering up devices like the XQRKU060 requires a different approach to meet the tolerances for successful operation of the device. Let’s separate these challenges into DC and AC regulation.