The TPS7H4001QEVM-CVAL is the evaluation module (EVM) that demonstrates parallel, quadrature phase operation of four TPS7H4001-SP devices. With this parallel configuration, the 4-Channel design is capable of providing up to 72-Amps of load current to a single regulated line. This user's guide provides details about the EVM, its configuration, schematics, and BOM. In addition, links to application reports explaining how to modify this EVM to convert it into a 1-Channel, 2-Channel, or 3-Channel design are provided in the references at the end of the document.
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The TPS7H4001-SP is a radiation hardened, 7-V, 18-A synchronous step-down converter with integrated high-side and low-side MOSFETs. High efficiency and efficient usage of space are achieved through low resistance MOSFETs and a current mode control implementation.
The EVM is configured in a default state to accept a 5-V input but can be modified to disable or change the under voltage lock out (UVLO) protection, allowing for any input voltage from 3 V to 7 V. The EVM is also configured for a 1-V output. . The regulated output voltage can be modified by changing one resistor on the board. The TSP7H4001-SP has a dedicated soft start, enable, and adjustable slope compensation pins providing design flexibility to meet specific application requirements.
Finally, as shown in Figure 1, this EVM is populated and configured to support four channel parallel operation. However, users may wish to evaluate 1-channel, 2-channel, or 3-channel operation using this same EVM. Please refer to series of application reports that are available outlining the modifications needed to the BOM to make such conversions.