SWRU580 April 2021 CC2564C , CC2564MODA , CC2564MODN
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The TI dual-mode CC2564 Bluetooth stack for MSP432 and STM32 MCUs includes sample applications which demonstrate the use of TI’s Bluetooth stack. This guide will show how users can use and interact with each specific application available. For general information about the stack for the respective MCUs refer to the CC2564C TI Dual-Mode Bluetooth Stack on MSP432 MCUs and the CC2564C TI Dual-Mode Bluetooth Stack on STM32F4 MCUs.
The Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) Sink and Audio Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP) allows a device to act as an Audio sink and can control and stream audio on an Audio source. It is recommended that the user visits the kit setup Getting Started Guide for STM32 or Getting Started Guide for TIVA pages before trying the application described on this page.
Once the code is flashed, look at the Device manager for Communications Port (COM x) under Ports (COM & LPT). Attach a terminal program like PuTTY to the serial port (COM x) for the board, x means which COM is open for Communications Port in Device Manager. The serial parameter to use is 115200 Baud rate. Once connected, reset the device using Reset button (The black button near the blue buttons) and you should see the stack getting initialized on the terminal and the help screen will be displayed, which shows all of the commands. This device will become the server.