JAJS273D July 2003 – November 2016 MSP430FE423 , MSP430FE425 , MSP430FE427
TI MSP430™ファミリの超低消費電力マイクロコントローラは複数のデバイスで構成され、それぞれが各種のアプリケーションを対象とする異なるペリフェラルを搭載しています。このアーキテクチャは5つの低消費電力モードを持ち、携帯用測定器用途でバッテリ駆動時間を延長するよう最適化されています。このデバイスには、強力な16ビットRISC CPU、16ビット・レジスタ、およびコンスタント・ジェネレータが搭載されており、コード効率が最大限に発揮されます。デジタル制御発振器(DCO)により、デバイスは低消費電力モードからアクティブ・モードへ6µs以内にウェークアップできます。
型番 | パッケージ | 本体サイズ(2) |
MSP430FE427IPM | LQFP (64) | 10mm×10mm |
MSP430FE425IPM | LQFP (64) | 10mm×10mm |
MSP430FE423IPM | LQFP (64) | 10mm×10mm |
Changes from October 16, 2008 to November 14, 2016
Table 3-1 summarizes the available family members.
RAM (B) |
MSP430F427 | 32 | 1K | 8 | UART | 1 | 14 | PM 64 |
MSP430F425 | 16 | 512 | 8 | UART | 1 | 14 | PM 64 |
MSP430F423 | 8 | 256 | 8 | UART | 1 | 14 | PM 64 |
For information about other devices in this family of products or related products, see the following links.
Figure 4-1 shows the pinout for the 64-pin PM package.
TI recommends leaving all unused analog inputs open.Table 4-1 describes the signals for all device variants
DVCC | 1 | Digital supply voltage, positive terminal | |
I1+ | 2 | I | Current 1 positive analog input, internal connection to SD16 channel 0 A0+(1) |
I1− | 3 | I | Current 1 negative analog input, internal connection to SD16 channel 0 A0−(1) |
I2+ | 4 | I | Current 2 positive analog input, internal connection to SD16 channel 1 A0+(1) |
I2− | 5 | I | Current 2 negative analog input, internal connection to SD16 channel 1 A0−(1) |
V1+ | 6 | I | Voltage 1 positive analog input, internal connection to SD16 channel 2 A0+(1) |
V1− | 7 | I | Voltage 1 negative analog input, internal connection to SD16 channel 2 A0−(1) |
XIN | 8 | I | Input port for crystal oscillator XT1. Standard or watch crystals can be connected. |
XOUT | 9 | O | Output terminal of crystal oscillator XT1 |
VREF | 10 | I/O | Input for an external reference voltage, internal reference voltage output (can be used as mid-voltage) |
P2.2/STE0 | 11 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O Slave transmit enable for USART0 in SPI mode |
S0 | 12 | O | LCD segment output 0 |
S1 | 13 | O | LCD segment output 1 |
S2 | 14 | O | LCD segment output 2 |
S3 | 15 | O | LCD segment output 3 |
S4 | 16 | O | LCD segment output 4 |
S5 | 17 | O | LCD segment output 5 |
S6 | 18 | O | LCD segment output 6 |
S7 | 19 | O | LCD segment output 7 |
S8 | 20 | O | LCD segment output 8 |
S9 | 21 | O | LCD segment output 9 |
S10 | 22 | O | LCD segment output 10 |
S11 | 23 | O | LCD segment output 11 |
S12 | 24 | O | LCD segment output 12 |
S13 | 25 | O | LCD segment output 13 |
S14 | 26 | O | LCD segment output 14 |
S15 | 27 | O | LCD segment output 15 |
S16 | 28 | O | LCD segment output 16 |
S17 | 29 | O | LCD segment output 17 |
S18 | 30 | O | LCD segment output 18 |
S19 | 31 | O | LCD segment output 19 |
S20 | 32 | O | LCD segment output 20 |
S21 | 33 | O | LCD segment output 21 |
S22 | 34 | O | LCD segment output 22 |
S23 | 35 | O | LCD segment output 23 |
COM0 | 36 | O | Common output, COM0−COM3 are used for LCD backplanes. |
COM1 | 37 | O | Common output, COM0−COM3 are used for LCD backplanes. |
COM2 | 38 | O | Common output, COM0−COM3 are used for LCD backplanes. |
COM3 | 39 | O | Common output, COM0−COM3 are used for LCD backplanes. |
R03 | 40 | I | Input port of fourth positive (lowest) analog LCD level (V5) |
R13 | 41 | I | Input port of third most positive analog LCD level (V4 or V3) |
R23 | 42 | I | Input port of second most positive analog LCD level (V2) |
R33 | 43 | O | Output port of most positive analog LCD level (V1) |
P2.1/UCLK0/S24 | 44 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O External clock input for USART0 in UART or SPI mode, or LCD segment output 24(2) |
P2.0/TA2/S25 | 45 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A Capture: CCI2A input, Compare: Out2 output LCD segment output 25(2) |
P1.7/SOMI0/S26 | 46 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O Slave out/master in for USART0 in SPI mode LCD segment output 26(2) |
P1.6/SIMO0/S27 | 47 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O Slave in/master out for USART0 in SPI mode LCD segment output 27(2) |
P1.5/TACLK/ACLK/S28 | 48 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A and SD16 clock signal TACLK input ACLK output (divided by 1, 2, 4, or 8) LCD segment output 28(2) |
P1.4/S29 | 49 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O LCD segment output 29(2) |
P1.3/SVSOUT/S30 | 50 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O SVS: output of SVS comparator LCD segment output 30(2) |
P1.2/TA1/S31 | 51 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A, Capture: CCI1A, CCI1B input, Compare: Out1 output LCD segment output 31(2) |
P1.1/TA0/MCLK | 52 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A, Capture: CCI0B input. Note: TA0 is only an input on this pin. MCLK output BSL receive |
P1.0/TA0 | 53 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O Timer_A, Capture: CCI0A input, Compare: Out0 output BSL transmit |
TDO/TDI | 54 | I/O | Test data output port, TDO/TDI data output or programming data input terminal |
TDI/TCLK | 55 | I | Test data input or test clock input. The device protection fuse is connected to TDI. |
TMS | 56 | I | Test mode select. TMS is used as an input port for device programming and test. |
TCK | 57 | I | Test clock. TCK is the clock input port for device programming and test. |
RST/NMI | 58 | I | Reset input or nonmaskable interrupt input port |
P2.5/URXD0 | 59 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O Receive data in for USART0 in UART mode |
P2.4/UTXD0 | 60 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O Transmit data out for USART0 in UART mode |
P2.3/SVSIN | 61 | I/O | General-purpose digital I/O Analog input to brownout, supply voltage supervisor |
AVSS | 62 | Analog supply voltage, negative terminal. Supplies SD16, SVS, brownout, oscillator, and LCD resistive divider circuitry. | |
DVSS | 63 | Digital supply voltage, negative terminal | |
AVCC | 64 | Analog supply voltage, positive terminal. Supplies SD16, SVS, brownout, oscillator, and LCD resistive divider circuitry. Do not power up before DVCC. |