TPS548A29 デバイスは、適応型オン時間 D-CAP3 制御モードを備えた小型で高効率の同期整流式降圧コンバータです。外部補償が不要のため、本デバイスは使いやすく、外付け部品をほとんど必要としません。本デバイスは、スペースに制約のあるデータ・センター・アプリケーションによく適しています。
TPS548A29 デバイスは、差動リモート・センス、高性能の内蔵 MOSFET、動作時接合部温度の全範囲にわたって高精度 (±1%) の 0.6V 基準電圧を備えています。本デバイスは、高速な負荷過渡応答、精密な負荷レギュレーションとライン・レギュレーション、スキップ・モードまたは FCCM 動作、プログラム可能なソフトスタートを特長としています。
TPS548A29 デバイスは鉛フリー・デバイスです。RoHS に完全準拠しています (適用除外なし)。
部品番号 | パッケージ(1) | 本体サイズ (公称) |
TPS548A29 | VQFN-HR (21) | 4.00mm × 3.00mm |
Changes from Revision C (June 2020) to Revision D (July 2021)
Changes from Revision B (2020 年 6 月) to Revision C (2020 年 6 月)
1 | BOOT | I/O | Supply rail for the high-side gate driver (boost terminal). Connect the bootstrap capacitor from this pin to SW node. |
2 | AGND | G | Ground pin, reference point for the internal control circuits |
3 | TRIP | I/O | Current limit setting pin. Connect a resistor to AGND to set the current limit trip point. A ±1% tolerance resistor is highly recommended. See Section 7.3.9 for details on OCL setting. |
4 | MODE | I | The MODE pin sets the forced continuous-conduction mode (FCCM) or Skip-mode operation. It also selects the operating frequency by connecting a resistor from the MODE pin to the AGND pin. ±1% tolerance resistor is recommended. See Table 7-1 for details. |
5 | SS/REFIN | I/O | Dual-function pin. Soft-start function: Connecting a capacitor to
VSNS– pin programs soft-start time. Minimum soft-start time (1.5 ms)
is fixed internally. A minimum 1-nF capacitor is required for this
pin to avoid overshoot during the charge of soft-start capacitor.
REFIN function: The device always looks at the voltage on this SS/REFIN pin as the reference for the control loop. The internal reference voltage can be overridden by an external DC voltage source on this pin for tracking application. |
6 | VSNS– | I | The return connection for a remote voltage sensing configuration. It is also used as ground for the internal reference. Short to AGND for single-end sense configuration. |
7 | FB | I | Output voltage feedback input. A resistor divider from the VOUT to VSNS– (tapped to FB pin) sets the output voltage. |
8 | EN | I | Enable pin. The enable pin turns the DC/DC switching converter on or off. Floating EN pin before start-up disables the converter. The recommended operating condition for EN pin is maximum 5.5 V. Do not connect EN pin to VIN pin directly. |
9 | PGOOD | O | Open-drain power-good status signal. When the FB voltage moves outside the specified limits, PGOOD goes low after 2-µs delay. |
10, 21 | VIN | P | Power-supply input pins for both integrated power MOSFET pair and the internal LDO. Place the decoupling input capacitors from VIN pins to PGND pins as close as possible. |
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 | PGND | G | Power ground of internal low-side MOSFET. At least six PGND vias are required to be placed as close as possible to the PGND pins. This minimizes parasitic impedance and also lowers thermal resistance. |
19 | VCC | I/O | Internal 4.5-V LDO output. An external bias with 5.0-V can be connected to this pin to save the power losses on the internal LDO. The voltage source on this pin powers both the internal circuitry and gate driver. Requires a 2.2-µF, at least 6.3-V rating ceramic capacitor from the VCC pin to PGND pins as the decoupling capacitor and the placement is required to be as close as possible. |
20 | SW | O | Output switching terminal of the power converter. Connect this pin to the output inductor. |