AMOLED Displays
The TPS65631 is designed to drive AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) displays requiring positive and negative supply rails. The device integrates a boost converter for VPOS and an inverting buck boost converter for VNEG and is suitable for battery-operated products. The digital control pin (CTRL) allows programming the negative output voltage in digital steps. The TPS65631 uses a novel technology enabling excellent line transient performance.
May 2014 | E | No legacy rev history for rev E – first public release |
Changes from D Revision (November 2012) to E Revision
Changes from C Revision (October 2012) to D Revision
Changes from B Revision (October 2012) to C Revision
Changes from A Revision (October 2012) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (September 2012) to A Revision