型番 | デフォルト出力電圧 | |
LP8758-E0 | VOUT0 | 1000 mV |
VOUT1 | 2500 mV | |
VOUT2 | 1200 mV | |
VOUT3 | 1800 mV |
Changes from A Revision (January 2016) to B Revision
A1, B1 | VIN_B1 | P | Input for Buck1. The separate power pins VIN_Bx are not connected together internally – VIN_Bx pins must be connected together in the application and be locally bypassed. |
A2, B2 | SW_B1 | A | Buck1 switch node. |
A3, B3, C3 | PGND_B01 | G | Power Ground for Buck0 and Buck1. |
A4, B4 | SW_B0 | A | Buck0 switch node. |
A5, B5 | VIN_B0 | P | Input for Buck0. The separate power pins VIN_Bx are not connected together internally – VIN_Bx pins must be connected together in the application and be locally bypassed. |
C1 | SGND | G | Substrate Ground. |
C2 | FB_B1 | A | Output voltage feedback for Buck1. |
C4 | FB_B0 | A | Output voltage feedback for Buck0. |
C5 | EN1 | D/I | Programmable Enable signal for Buck converter core(s). Can be also configured to switch between two output voltage levels. |
D1 | AGND | G | Ground. |
D2 | nINT | D/O | Open-drain interrupt output. Active LOW. |
D3 | EN2 | D/I | Programmable Enable signal for Buck converter core(s). Can be also configured to switch between two output voltage levels. |
D4 | NRST | D/I | Reset signal for the device. Can be also used to enable the regulator. |
D5 | SDA | D/I/O | Serial interface data input and output for system access. Connect a pullup resistor. |
E1 | VANA | P | Supply voltage for Analog and Digital blocks. |
E2 | FB_B3 | A | Output voltage feedback for Buck3. |
E4 | FB_B2 | A | Output voltage feedback for Buck2. |
E5 | SCL | D/I | Serial interface clock input for system access. Connect a pullup resistor. |
F1, G1 | VIN_B3 | P | Input for Buck3. The separate power pins VIN_Bx are not connected together internally – VIN_Bx pins must be connected together in the application and be locally bypassed. |
F2, G2 | SW_B3 | A | Buck3 switch node. |
E3, F3, G3 | PGND_B23 | G | Power Ground for Buck2 and Buck3. |
F4, G4 | SW_B2 | A | Buck2 switch node. |
F5, G5 | VIN_B2 | P | Input for Buck2. The separate power pins VIN_Bx are not connected together internally - VIN_Bx pins must be connected together in the application and be locally bypassed. |
A: Analog Pin, D: Digital Pin, G: Ground Pin, P: Power Pin, I: Input Pin, O: Output Pin |