DP83825I は、10BASE-Te および 100BASE-TX イーサネット・プロトコルをサポートする PMD サブレイヤを内蔵した超小型、超低消費電力のイーサネット物理層トランシーバです。CAT5e ケーブルで最大 150m の伝送距離をサポートします。DP83825I は、外付けトランスを介してツイスト・ペア・メディアに直接接続できます。マスタ・モードとスレーブ・モードの両方で RMII (Reduced MII) により MAC 層に接続します。RMII マスタ・モードで 50MHz の出力クロックを供給します。このクロックは、システムのジッタを低減するため、MDI を基準とするクロックに同期しています。
型番 | パッケージ | 本体サイズ(公称) |
DP83825I | QFN (24) | 3.00mm × 3.00mm、
0.4mm ピッチ |
DP83825I は、Energy Efficient Ethernet、Wake-on-LAN、MAC 絶縁にも対応しているため、システムの消費電力をさらに低減できます。MAC 上での EEE 信号処理をサポートしていないレガシー MAC でも、レジスタ設定を使って Energy Efficient モードを有効にできます。DP83825I はアンマネージド・リピータ・モードで動作できます。このモードでは、DP83825I はレジスタ設定なしでリピータとして動作します。DP83825I は、開発とデバッグを簡単にするため、内蔵ケーブル診断ツール、組み込み自己テスト、ループバック機能を備えています。
NAME | NO. | ||
TX_EN | 1 | Reset: I, PD
Active: I, PD |
RMII Transmit Enable: TX_EN is active high signal and is presented on the rising edge of the TX_CLK. TX_EN indicates the presence of valid data inputs on TX_D [1:0]. |
50MHzOut/LED2 | 2 | Reset: I, PD, S
Active: O |
RMII Master Mode: 50 MHz Clock Out(default). RMII Slave Mode: LED_2(default). This pin can be configured as GPIO using register configuration. |
INTR/PWRDN | 3 | Reset: I, PU
Active: I, PU |
Interrupt / Power Down(default): The default function of this pin is power down. Register access is required to configure this pin as an interrupt. In power-down function, an active low signal on this pin places the device in power down mode. When this pin is configured as an interrupt pin, this pin is asserted low when an interrupt condition occurs. The pin has an open-drain output with a weak internal pullup (9.5KΩ). Some applications may require an external pullup resistor. |
LED0 | 4 | Reset: I, PD, S
Active: O |
LED0 : Activity Indication LED indicates transmit and receive activity in addition to the status of the Link. The LED is ON when Link is good. The LED blinks when the transmitter or receiver is active. This pin can also act as GPIO through register configuration.
This pin is at 3.3 V always and not linked to voltage supplied to VDDIO pin. This is to avoid external components when operating PHY at VDDIO 1.8 V. |
RST_N | 5 | Reset: I, PU
Active: I, PU |
RST_N: This pin is an active low reset input. Asserting this pin low for at least 1 μs will force a reset process to occur. Initiation of reset causes strap pins to be re-scanned and resets all the internal registers of the PHY to default value. |
VDDA3V3 | 6 | Power | Input Analog Supply: 3.3 V. For decoupling capacitor requirements, refer to the Application and Implementation section.Figure 20 |
RD_M | 7 | A | Differential Receive Input (PMD): These differential inputs are automatically configured to accept either 10BASE-Te, 100BASE-TX specific signaling mode |
RD_P | 8 | A | |
GND | 9 | GND | Ground: Connect to Ground |
TD_M | 10 | A | Differential Transmit Output (PMD): These differential outputs are configured to either 10BASE-Te, 100BASE-TX signaling mode based on configuration chosen for PHY. |
TD_P | 11 | A | |
XO | 12 | A | Crystal Output: Reference Clock output. XO pin is used for crystal only. This pin should be left floating when a CMOS-level oscillator is connected to XI. |
XI/50MHzIn | 13 | A | Crystal / Oscillator Input Clock
RMII Master mode: 25-MHz ±50 ppm-tolerance crystal or oscillator clock RMII Slave mode: 50-MHz ±50 ppm-tolerance CMOS-level oscillator clock |
RBIAS | 14 | A | RBIAS value 6.49 KΩ 1% connected to ground |
MDIO | 15 | Reset: I, PU-10K
Active: IO, PU-10K |
Management Data I/O: Bidirectional management data signal that may be source by the management station or the PHY. This pin has internal pullup of 10 KΩ. External pullup of up to 2.2 KΩ can be added if needed |
MDC | 16 | Reset: I, PD
Active: I, PD |
Management Data Clock: Synchronous clock to the MDIO serial management input/output data. This clock may be asynchronous to the MAC transmit and receive clocks. The maximum clock rate is 25 MHz. There is no minimum clock rate. |
RX_D1 | 17 | Reset: I, PD, S
Active: O |
RMII Receive Data: Symbols received on the cable are decoded and presented on these pins synchronous to reference clock. They contain valid data when RX_DV is asserted. |
RX_D0 | 18 | Reset: I, PD, S
Active: O |
RMII Receive Data: Symbols received on the cable are decoded and presented on these pins synchronous to reference clock. They contain valid data when RX_DV is asserted. |
VDDIO | 19 | Power | I/O Supply : 3.3 V/1.8 V. For decoupling capacitor requirements, refer to the Application and Implementation section. |
CRS_DV | 20 | Reset: I, PD, S
Active: O |
Carrier Sense / Receive Data Valid: This pin combines the RMII Carrier and Receive Data Valid indications. |
GND | 21 | GND | Ground pin |
RX_ER | 22 | Reset: I, PD, S
Active: O |
RMII Receive Error: This pin indicates an error symbol has been detected within a received packet in RMII mode. RX_ER is asserted high synchronously to the rising edge of the reference clock. This pin is not required to be used by the MAC in RMII because the PHY will automatically corrupting data on a receive error. |
TX_D0 | 23 | Reset: I, PD
Active: I, PD |
RMII Transmit Data: TX_D[1:0] received from the MAC and shall be synchronous to the rising edge of the reference clock. |
TX_D1 | 24 | Reset: I, PD
Active: I, PD |