AMC1336 は高精度のデルタ-シグマ (ΔΣ) 変調器で、磁気干渉に対して高い耐性のある二重の静電容量性絶縁バリアを採用して、入力回路と出力回路を電気的に分離しています。この絶縁バリアは、DIN VDE V 0884-11 および UL1577 規格に準拠した、8000VPEAK までの強化絶縁体に認定されています。この絶縁変調器を絶縁電源と組み合わせて使用すると、システムの中で異なる同相電圧レベルで動作する部分が分離され、低電圧部分の損傷を防ぎます。
AMC1336 独自の広いバイポーラの±1V 入力電圧範囲と、高い入力抵抗から、高電圧アプリケーションでデバイスを分圧抵抗に直接接続できます。デジタル・フィルタ (TMS320F28004x、TMS320F2807x、TMS320F2837x マイクロコントローラ・ファミリに内蔵されているものなど) を使用して出力ビットストリームを間引くと、82kSPS のデータ速度、87dB のダイナミック・レンジで、16 ビットの分解能が得られます。
ハイサイドでは、AMC1336 は 3.3V または 5V 電源から給電されます。絶縁デジタル・インターフェイスは、3.0V、3.3V、5V の電源で動作します。
AMC1336 は、-40℃~+125℃の拡張工業用温度範囲で動作が規定されています。
型番 | パッケージ | 本体サイズ(公称) |
AMC1336 | SOIC (8) | 5.85mm×7.50mm |
NO. | NAME | ||
1 | AVDD | — | Analog (high-side) power supply, 3.0 V to 5.5 V.
See the Power Supply Recommendations section for decoupling recommendations. |
2 | AINP | I | Noninverting analog input |
3 | AINN | I | Inverting analog input |
4 | AGND | — | Analog (high-side) ground reference |
5 | DGND | — | Digital (controller-side) ground reference |
6 | DOUT | O | Modulator bitstream output, updated with the rising edge of the clock signal present on CLKIN. Use the rising edge of the clock to latch the modulator bitstream at the input of the digital filter device. |
7 | CLKIN | I | Modulator clock input with internal pulldown resistor (typical value: 1 MΩ). The clock signal must be applied continuously for proper device operation; see the Clock Input section for additional details. |
8 | DVDD | — | Digital (controller-side) power supply, 2.7 V to 5.5 V.
See the Power Supply Recommendations section for decoupling recommendations. |
MIN | MAX | UNIT | |||
Power-supply voltage | AVDD to AGND | –0.3 | 6.5 | V | |
DVDD to DGND | –0.3 | 6.5 | |||
Analog input voltage | On the AINP and AINN pins | AGND – 5 | AVDD + 0.5 | V | |
Digital input voltage | On the CLKIN pin | DGND – 0.5 | DVDD + 0.5 | V | |
Digital output voltage | On the DOUT pin | DGND – 0.5 | DVDD + 0.5 | V | |
Input current | Continuous, any pin except power-supply pins | –10 | 10 | mA | |
Temperature | Junction, TJ | 150 | °C | ||
Storage, Tstg | –65 | 150 |
VALUE | UNIT | |||
V(ESD) | Electrostatic discharge | Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001(1) | ±2000 | V |
Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101(2) | ±1000 |
MIN | NOM | MAX | UNIT | |||
AVDD | High-side supply voltage | AVDD to AGND | 3.0 | 5.0 | 5.5 | V |
DVDD | Controller-side | DVDD to DGND | 2.7 | 3.3 | 5.5 | V |
VClipping | Differential input voltage before clipping output | VIN = VAINP – VAINN | ±1.25 | V | ||
VFSR | Specified linear differential full-scale voltage | VIN = VAINP – VAINN | –1 | 1 | V | |
Absolute common-mode input voltage(1) | (VAINP + VAINN) / 2 to AGND | –2 | AVDD | V | ||
VCM | Operating common-mode input voltage(2) | (VAINP + VAINN) / 2 to AGND,
3.0 V ≤ AVDD < 4 V, VAINP = VAINN |
–1.4 | AVDD – 1.4 | V | |
(VAINP + VAINN) / 2 to AGND,
3.0 V ≤ AVDD < 4.5 V, |VAINP – VAINN| = 1.25 V |
–0.8 | AVDD – 2.4 | ||||
(VAINP + VAINN) / 2 to AGND,
4 V ≤ AVDD ≤ 5.5 V, VAINP = VAINN |
–1.4 | 2.7 | ||||
(VAINP + VAINN) / 2 to AGND,
4.5 V ≤ AVDD ≤ 5.5 V, |VAINP – VAINN| = 1.25 V |
–0.8 | 2.1 | ||||
Input voltage | VCLKIN to DGND | DGND | DVDD | V | ||
TA | Operating ambient temperature | –40 | 25 | 125 | °C |
DWV (SOIC) | |||
8 PINS | |||
RθJA | Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance | 94 | °C/W |
RθJC(top) | Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance | 36 | °C/W |
RθJB | Junction-to-board thermal resistance | 46.1 | °C/W |
ψJT | Junction-to-top characterization parameter | 11.5 | °C/W |
ψJB | Junction-to-board characterization parameter | 44.4 | °C/W |
RθJC(bot) | Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance | N/A | °C/W |
GENERAL | ||||
CLR | External clearance(1) | Shortest pin-to-pin distance through air | ≥ 8.5 | mm |
CPG | External creepage(1) | Shortest pin-to-pin distance across the package surface | ≥ 8.5 | mm |
DTI | Distance through insulation | Minimum internal gap (internal clearance) of the double insulation | ≥ 0.021 | mm |
CTI | Comparative tracking index | DIN EN 60112 (VDE 0303-11); IEC 60112 | ≥ 600 | V |
Material group | According to IEC 60664-1 | I | ||
Overvoltage category
per IEC 60664-1 |
Rated mains voltage ≤ 600 VRMS | I-IV | ||
Rated mains voltage ≤ 1000 VRMS | I-III | |||
DIN VDE V 0884-11: 2017-01(2) | ||||
VIORM | Maximum repetitive peak isolation voltage | At AC voltage | 2121 | VPK |
VIOWM | Maximum-rated isolation
working voltage |
At AC voltage (sine wave); see Figure 5 | 1500 | VRMS |
At DC voltage | 2121 | VDC | ||
VIOTM | Maximum transient
isolation voltage |
VTEST = VIOTM, t = 60 s (qualification test) | 8000 | VPK |
VTEST = 1.2 × VIOTM, t = 1 s (100% production test) | 9600 | |||
VIOSM | Maximum surge
isolation voltage(3) |
Test method per IEC 60065, 1.2/50-µs waveform,
VTEST = 1.6 × VIOSM = 12800 VPK (qualification) |
8000 | VPK |
qpd | Apparent charge(4) | Method a, after input/output safety test subgroups 2 & 3,
Vini = VIOTM, tini = 60 s, Vpd(m) = 1.2 × VIORM, tm = 10 s |
≤ 5 | pC |
Method a, after environmental tests subgroup 1,
Vini = VIOTM, tini = 60 s, Vpd(m) = 1.6 × VIORM, tm = 10 s |
≤ 5 | |||
Method b1, at routine test (100% production) and preconditioning (type test),
Vini = VIOTM, tini = 1 s, Vpd(m) = 1.875 × VIORM, tm = 1 s |
≤ 5 | |||
CIO | Barrier capacitance,
input to output(5) |
VIO = 0.5 VPP at 1 MHz | ~1 | pF |
RIO | Insulation resistance,
input to output(5) |
VIO = 500 V at TA = 25°C | > 1012 | Ω |
VIO = 500 V at 100°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C | > 1011 | |||
VIO = 500 V at TS = 150°C | > 109 | |||
Pollution degree | 2 | |||
Climatic category | 55/125/21 | |||
UL1577 | ||||
VISO | Withstand isolation voltage | VTEST = VISO = 5700 VRMS, t = 60 s (qualification),
VTEST = 1.2 × VISO = 6840 VRMS, t = 1 s (100% production test) |
5700 | VRMS |