DLPS201E August 2020 – August 2024 DLPC230S-Q1 , DLPC231S-Q1
The DLPC23xS-Q1 ASIC subLVDS HS/LS differential interface waveform quality and timing is dependent on the total length of the interconnect system, the spacing between traces, the characteristic impedance, etch losses, and how well matched the lengths are across the interface. Thus, ensuring a positive timing margin requires attention to many factors.
DLPC23xS-Q1 I/O timing parameters as well as DMD I/O timing parameters can be found in their corresponding data sheets. Similarly, PCB routing mismatch can be budgeted and met through controlled PCB routing. PCB design recommendations are provided in Table 8-4 and Figure 8-14 as a starting point for the customer.
PARAMETER (1)(2) | MIN | MAX | UNIT | |
TW | Trace Width | 4 | mils | |
TS | Intra-lane Trace Spacing | 4 | mils | |
TSPP | Inter-lane Trace Spacing | 2 * (TS + TW) | mils | |
RBGR | Resistor - Bandgap Reference | 42.2 (1%) | kΩ |