DLPU041G April 2016 – July 2024 DLPC230-Q1 , DLPC230S-Q1
Table 3-9, Table 3-10, and Figure 3-8 describe the SPI Read Activate protocol.
MOSI Controller Output, Peripheral input (e.g. Host Output, DLPC230 input):
CMD | 1-byte write command op-code. This is 02h for Read Activate. |
Tag | 1-byte identifier used to uniquely mark each command sent by host. |
Length | Length of the transmitted data payload. This is always 0 for read activate. |
CRC | CRC or checksum for the read header data. This includes the op-code, tag, and length. |
MISO Controller input, Peripheral output (e.g. Host input, DLPC230 output):
CMD (ACK) | Echo of the received command op-code from the host controller. |
Tag (ACK) | Echo of the received tag from the host controller. |
LengthR | Length of the read header data (Data1a, Data1b). The value is always 2 for read activate. |
Data1(a:b) | Read header data. Specifies the length of the read return payload (0-256 bytes). LSByte = "a". |
CRC-R1 | CRC or checksum for the header response bytes. This includes the op-code, tag, length, and read return header data (Data1). |
Data2(a:n) | Read return payload. The number of bytes varies depending on the read command and is specified by the value in Data1(a:b). |
CRC-R2 | CRC or checksum for the read return payload. This only includes the read return payload (Data2) bytes. |