DLPU048E August 2016 – July 2024
This command is used to read the latest ADC measurements captured by the TPS99000-Q1 ADC block and reported to the DLPC230-Q1. There are a total of 63 ADC measurement indexes that can be captured each frame. The definition of each ADC index is defined by flash data and this information can be found in the flash header file.
The returned ADC measurements are converted and scaled voltage values in two's complement integer format. The measurement values from all TPS99000-Q1 channels except for channel 0 are represented on a 1-mV scale. TPS99000-Q1 channel 0 is represented on a 10-µV scale due to its higher gain.
Note: TPS99000-Q1 channel 0 is not the same as index 0 for this command. The mapping of these two values can be found in the flash header file. Refer to Section 5.7.1 for an example of this mapping.
Command Parameters
1 | 7:0 | Start index Index of first ADC measurement to be returned. 0 - 62 |
2 | 7:0 | Measurement Count Number of measurements to be returned 1 - 63 Start Index + Measurement Count must be less than or equal to 63. |
Return Parameters
1 | 7:0 | Frame Count Incrementing count to allow the host to check the update rate. |
3:2 | 15:0 | ADC Measurement 1 First returned ADC measurement. The index of this measurement is specified by the Start Index command parameter. Two's complement integer format. All TPS99000-Q1 ADC channels will be reported on a 1-mV scale, except for channel 0 which is reported on a 10-µV scale. LSByte = 2 |
4 | 7:5 | Reserved |
4 | Measurement Index Not Used 0x1: ADC measurement index not used. Measurement is not assigned to an ADC channel. Other fields for this measurement, including value and error bits, should be ignored. 0x0: ADC measurement index is used. | |
3:0 | ADC Measurement 1 Error Bits b1xxx = Parity error for this measurement. All other bits and measurement value should be considered invalid. b0001 = ADC value saturated at maximum value b0010 = ADC value underflow at minimum value b0011 = ADC timing error (measurements were triggered too close together) b0100 = Previous measurement mismatch error b0101 = Previous measurement parity error b0110 = Previous measurement stop bit error b0111 = Input ADC received mismatch error | |
... | ... | ADC Measurement ... |
n*3 : n*3 - 1 | 15:0 | ADC Measurement n Final ADC measurement. "n" is specified by Measurement Count command parameter. |
n*3 + 1 | 7:4 | Reserved |
3:0 | ADC Measurement n Error Bits Final ADC measurement error bits. |