DLPU048E August 2016 – July 2024
This command is used to read information about the currently active image source. The first byte specifies the type of source and subsequent bytes describe the settings for the source type. Each source type has different description parameters, but the length of the return bytes from this command is always 15 bytes.
Command Parameters
No command parameters.
Return Parameters (External Video)
1 | 7:0 | Input Source Type 0x0: External Video 0x1: Test Pattern 0x2: Splash Screen 0x3: System in Standby or source is invalid |
3:2 | 15:0 | External VSync Rate LSByte = Byte 2 Specified in Hz with a resolution of 0.125 Hz. For example, 0x1E5 = 60.625 Hz. |
4 | 7:0 | External Video Format 0x00: OpenLDI 0x40: Parallel |
5 | 7:4 | Reserved |
3 | External Data Enable Polarity Polarity of the parallel video DATEN signal. This parameter is unused for OpenLDI. 0x0: Active Low 0x1: Active High | |
2 | External Clock Polarity Polarity of the parallel video PCLK signal. This parameter is unused for OpenLDI. 0x0: Falling Edge Sample 0x1: Rising Edge Sample | |
1 | External HSync Polarity 0x0: Falling Edge Active (Negative Pulse) 0x1: Rising Edge Active (Positive Pulse) | |
0 | External VSync Polarity 0x0: Falling Edge Active (Negative Pulse) 0x1: Rising Edge Active (Positive Pulse) | |
7:6 | 15:0 | External Pixel Clock Rate LSByte = Byte 6 Specified in MHz with a resolution of 0.125 MHz. For example, 0x1E1 = 60.125 MHz. |
9:8 | 15:0 | Input Total Pixels Per Line LSByte = Byte 8 |
11:10 | 15:0 | Input Total Lines Per Frame LSByte = Byte 10 |
13:12 | 15:0 | Input Active Pixels Per Line LSByte = Byte 12 |
15:14 | 15:0 | Input Active Lines Per Frame LSByte = Byte 14 |
Return Parameters (Test Pattern)
1 | 7:0 | Input Source Type 0x0: External Video 0x1: Test Pattern 0x2: Splash Screen 0x3: Not applicable (System in Standby) |
3:2 | 15:0 | Internal VSync Rate LSByte = Byte 2 Specified in Hz with a resolution of 0.125 Hz. For example, 0x1E5 = 60.625 Hz. |
4 | 7:0 | Test Pattern Type 0x00: Solid 0x01: Horizontal Ramp (Fixed step) 0x02: Vertical Ramp (Fixed step) 0x03: Horizontal Lines 0x04: Diagonal Lines 0x05: Vertical Lines 0x06: Grid Lines (Horizontal and Vertical) 0x07: Checkerboard 0x08 Color Bars 0x09 - 0x0F: Reserved |
5 | 7:4 | Foreground Color Foreground color is not used when certain test pattern types are displayed. Refer to Table 8-109. This value should be ignored if the test pattern type does not use this value. 0x0: Black 0x1: Red 0x2: Green 0x3: Blue 0x4: Cyan 0x5: Magenta 0x6: Yellow 0x7: White 0x8 - 0xF: Reserved |
3:0 | Background Color Background color is not used when certain test pattern types are displayed. Refer to Table 8-109. This value should be ignored if the test pattern type does not use this value. 0x0: Black 0x1: Red 0x2: Green 0x3: Blue 0x4: Cyan 0x5: Magenta 0x6: Yellow 0x7: White 0x8 - 0xF: Reserved | |
9:6 | 39:0 | Test Pattern Parameters Reserved |
15:10 | 47:0 | Pad Bytes Extra bytes to keep the command's return length 15 bytes for any source type Value = 0x0 |
Solid | Yes | No |
Horizontal Ramp | Yes | No |
Vertical Ramp | Yes | No |
Horizontal Lines | Yes | Yes |
Vertical Lines | Yes | Yes |
Diagonal Lines | Yes | Yes |
Grid Lines | Yes | Yes |
Checkerboard | Yes | Yes |
Color Bars | No | No |
Return Parameters (Splash)
1 | 7:0 | Input Source Type 0x0: External Video 0x1: Test Pattern 0x2: Splash Screen 0x3: Not applicable (System in Standby) |
3:2 | 15:0 | Internal VSync Rate LSByte = Byte 2 Specified in Hz with a resolution of 0.125 Hz. For example, 0x1E5 = 60.625 Hz. |
4 | 7:0 | Splash Screen Index Reference number of the splash screen stored in flash (0-7). |
15:5 | 87:0 | Pad Bytes Extra bytes to keep the command's return length 15 bytes for any source type Value = 0x0 |