Table 3-21 describes the write parameters.
Table 3-21 Write ParametersParameter Bytes | Description |
Byte 1 | Pixels per line (LSByte) |
Byte 2 | Pixels per line (MSByte) |
Byte 3 | Lines per frame (LSByte) |
Byte 4 | Lines per frame (MSByte) |
Default: DMD resolution.
- This command specifies the size of the non-keystone corrected
image to be output from the scaler function, which equals size of the active
displayed image. Start pixel and Start line are default to 0.
- The parameter values are to be ‘1’ based. (that is, a value of 1280 pixels displays 1280 pixels per line).
- All sub-images (images smaller than the DMD display) can start
on any active area of the DMD. There is no sub image rotation and keystone
support. The subimage display range is
Horizontal range: DMD width –
Subimage Pixels per line
Workable x coordinate is 0 to
(DMD width – Subimage Pixels per line – 1)
Vertical range: (DMD height –
Subimage Lines per frame)
Workable y coordinate is 0 to
(DMD height – Subimage Lines per frame -1)
Example: If the display
subimage us 600x600 and DMD size is 1280 × 720.
Horizontal range: 1280 – 600
= 680, the workable x coordinate is 0 to 679.
Vertical range: 720-600 =
120, the workable y coordinate is 0 to 119.
- If the display size exceeds the resolution of the DMD, the
controller issues an error (invalid command parameter value – communication
status) and the command does not execute. Specifically, the controller
compares the display size parameters to the DMD resolution in both rotation
image orientations (non-rotated and rotated), and if the DMD resolution is
exceeded in both of these orientations, the controller issues an error. Note
that the system does not check for proper image orientation setup.
DMD resolution = 854 × 480:
- Example 1: Display
size parameter = 480 × 854 (not an error)
- Example 2: Display
size parameter = 900 × 320 (error)
- Example 3: Display
size parameter = 500 × 600 (error)
- If the source and display parameter combinations exceed the capabilities of
the scaler, the system tries to implement what is requested by the user, and a
broken image may be displayed. The user must provide updated
parameters to correct the image.