DLPU082C August   2021  – March 2024 DLPC7540


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. Scope
  5. References
  6. Acronyms
  7. System Boot
    1. 4.1 Data In flash
    2. 4.2 Bootloader Application
    3. 4.3 Main Application
    4. 4.4 Commands Supported by Bootloader and Main Applications
    5. 4.5 Debug Terminal
    7. 4.7 Heartbeat
    8. 4.8 Low-Level Fault
  8. System Status
  9. Version
  10. Power Modes
  11. Display Modes
  12. Source Detection and Configuration
  13. 10Internal Sources
    1. 10.1 Test Patterns (TPG)
    2. 10.2 Solid Field (SFG) Color
    3. 10.3 Curtain
  14. 11Display Formatting
  15. 12Image Processing
  16. 13Warping
    1. 13.1 Control Point Table
    2. 13.2 Manual Warp Table
    3. 13.3 Table Constraints
    4. 13.4 Example Warp Table
    5. 13.5 Manual Warping Commands
      1. 13.5.1 CMD_SetManualWarpControlPoints [Command ID: 0x35, Destination: 4]
      2. 13.5.2 CMD_GetManualWarpControlPoints [Command ID: 0x35, Destination: 4]
      3. 13.5.3 CMD_WriteManualWarpTable [Opcode: 0x34, Destination: 4]
      4. 13.5.4 CMD_ReadManualWarpTable [Opcode: 0x34, Destination: 4]
      5. 13.5.5 CMD_ConfigureSmoothWarp [Command ID: 0x38, Destination: 4]
      6. 13.5.6 CMD_ApplyManualWarping [Command ID: 0x36, Destination: 4]
    6. 13.6 Optical (Lens) Distortion Correction
  17. 14Introduction to Blending
    1. 14.1  Blend Map Control Points
    2. 14.2  Blend Map Gain Values
    3. 14.3  Blend Map Offset Value
    4. 14.4  Constraints
    5. 14.5  Manual Blending Commands
      1. 14.5.1 CMD_EnableEdgeBlending [Command ID: 0x2F]
      2. 14.5.2 CMD_SetBlendMapControlPoints [Opcode: 0x2E]
      3. 14.5.3 CMD_ GetBlendMapControlPoints [Command ID: 0x2E]
      4. 14.5.4 CMD_SetBlendMapGainValues [Command ID: 0x2B]
      5. 14.5.5 CMD_ GetBlendMapGainValues [Command ID: 0x2B]
      6. 14.5.6 CMD_ SetBlendMapOffsetValues [Command ID: 0x2D]
      7. 14.5.7 CMD_ GetBlendMapOffsetValues [Command ID: 0x2D]
      8. 14.5.8 CMD_ApplyBlendMap [Command ID: 0x2C]
    6. 14.6  Manual Blending Application Commands
      1. 14.6.1 CMD_SetEdgeBlendingSystemParams [Command ID: 0x3D]
      2. 14.6.2 CMD_GetEdgeBlendingSystemParams [Command ID: 0x3D]
      3. 14.6.3 CMD_SetEdgeBlendingConfiguration [Command ID: 0x3E]
      4. 14.6.4 CMD_GetEdgeBlendingConfiguration [Command ID: 0x3E]
    7. 14.7  Cropping of Input Image for Blending Setup
    8. 14.8  Storing Edge Blend Configuration in EEPROM
    9. 14.9  Storing in EEPROM or Secondary Flash
    10. 14.10 Manual Blending GUI in Control Program
  18. 15Illumination Control
  19. 16Peripherals
    1. 16.1 GPIO
    2. 16.2 PWM
  20. 17Interface Protocol
    1. 17.1 Supported Interfaces
    2. 17.2 I2C Target
    3. 17.3 USB
  21. 18Command Protocol
    1. 18.1 Command Packet
    2. 18.2 Response Packet
    3. 18.3 Destination Details
    4. 18.4 Error Handling and Recovery
    5. 18.5 System Busy - I2C scenarios
      1. 18.5.1 GPIO Implementation
      2. 18.5.2 Short Status Response
    6. 18.6 Support for Variable Data Size
  22. 19Auto-Initialization Batch File
  23. 20Command Descriptions
  24. 21System Commands
    1. 21.1  3D
    2. 21.2  Administrative
    3. 21.3  Autolock
    4. 21.4  Bootloader
    5. 21.5  Calibration
    6. 21.6  Blending
    7. 21.7  Debug Internal
    8. 21.8  Debug
    9. 21.9  General Operation
    10. 21.10 Illumination
    11. 21.11 Image Processing
    12. 21.12 Manual WPC
    13. 21.13 Peripherals
    14. 21.14 Vision
    15. 21.15 Warping
  25.   Revision History

CMD_SetEdgeBlendingSystemParams [Command ID: 0x3D]

This command sets the blending system parameters for manual edge blending. Information required includes the total number of rows and columns of projectors that are being blended together into create a single display, and the position of the self projector within the display. Only rectangular arrays of projectors are supported. The acceptable range of values for number of rows or columns of projectors is from 1-32.The acceptable range of indexes for row or column of the self projector is from 0-31. For Simple 1D RGB mode, the gain parameters specified for each projector determine the gain of the non-overlapped area, and the scale of the linear ramp from the gain value to 0. Offsets are specified for active overlapping areas (1 or 2), overlapping POM areas(1 or 2), and the non-overlapped area. This makes the total number of unique regions to be adjusted either 3 or 5, depending on whether the projector being configured has one adjacent projector or two. So for any size 1D system, projector having 2 adjacent projectors (“interior” projector) requires 5 sets of offset values. Projectors having 1 adjacent projector (“exterior” projector) requires 3 sets of offset value. The gains and offsets specified have red, green and blue (RGB) components, which means 3 different values are required to specify each. This makes the total number of photometric parameters required always either 12 or 18 (3 Gain + 9 offset or 3 Gain +15 offset). The order of the offset values (0…n) in the parameter set are specified from left to right, or top to bottom (Starting from side of screen with pixel 0,0). Gains and offsets are values from [0 to 1], and are in 10:22 fixed point format.

Exterior projector parameters: {Gain_R, Gain_G, Gain_B, Offset_0_R, Offset_0_G, Offset_0_B, Offset_1_R, Offset_1_G, Offset_1_B, Offset_2_R, Offset_2_G, Offset_2_B}

Interior projector parameters: {Gain_R, Gain_G, Gain_B, Offset_0_R, Offset_0_G, Offset_0_B, Offset_1_R, Offset_1_G, Offset_1_B, Offset_2_R, Offset_2_G, Offset_2_B, Offset_3_R, Offset_3_G, Offset_3_B, Offset_4_R, Offset_4_G, Offset_4_B}

Gains should begin at 1 by default, and be lowered by the user to balance white levels. Offsets should begin at 0 by default, and be raised to balance black levels. Because the total brightness offset of the overlapped areas is the combination of the overlapping projectors, each projector can contribute more or less offset to this area and achieve the same result. For 2D luminance mode, the luminance values (in nits) for white and black levels for all projectors must be provided to ensure a uniform illumination across the display. This command does not change the state of the warping map or the blending map, but does make changes to the parameters which are being used to perform the blending and warping map creation by CMD_SetEdgeBlendingConfiguration. This command does not write to non-volatile storage. To write the configuration to non-volatile storage, a call must be made to CMD_SetEdgeBlendingConfiguration after running this command.

GUID-20230127-SS0I-QPFB-FHN3-NC9BNXDWLVFB-low.png Figure 14-2 Example Blending System Diagram
Table 14-6 Example Command Packet for 2D
Byte Index Value Description
0 0x54 Command packet header (destination 4, length present, response required)
1 0x3D Command opcode
2-3 0x0003 Number of columns of projectors in blending system = 3
4-5 0x0002 Number of rows of projectors in blending system = 2
6-7 0x0001 Column index of self in blending system = 1
8-9 0x0000 Row index of self in blending system = 0
10 0x00 2D Luminance mode
11-14 0x03EF White luminance level of projector 0 in blending system
15-18 0x0003 Black luminance level of projector 0 in blending system
19-22 0xОЗЕО White luminance level of projector 1 in blending system
23-26 0x0009 Black luminance level of projector 1 in blending system
27-30 0x03E3 White luminance level of projector 2 in blending system
31-34 0x0004 Black luminance level of projector 2 in blending system
35-38 0x03EF White luminance level of projector 3 in blending system
39-42 0x0003 Black luminance level of projector 3 in blending system
43-46 0xОЗЕО White luminance level of projector 4 in blending system
47-50 0x0009 Black luminance level of projector 4 in blending system
51-54 0x03E3 White luminance level of projector 5 in blending system
55-58 0x0004 Black luminance level of projector 5 in blending system