The controller has built in driver
functions to control different types of solid-state illumination (SSI) systems. Two
types of signals go into the illumination system:
- Enable strobes: Enable strobes are
meant for turning ON/OFF of the Red, Green and Blue illumination modules
independently. These signals are generated by the PWM sequences.
- Current control signals: Current
control signals meant for driving specified illumination module with specific
level of current. The current levels can be specified by the user using DLPA3005 set current
command. In case
algorithms like LED WPC (White Point Control) and/or Dynamic Black are enabled,
then the illumination current values are determined by these algorithms.
are provided for current control of three types of systems:
- General PWM based
- DLPA3005 PMIC based
Use the Set Illumination Enable command to turn the illuminators ON or OFF.