DLPU102C December 2020 – July 2024
The DLPC900 firmware has the option to store batch files within the firmware. These batch files contain commands that are executed to perform some sequence of settings without the user or host performing these commands. If the firmware contains batch files, the GUI queries the batch file names and list them in the Batch Command Sequence panel within the Batch Files Stored in the EVM group box. The user can then choose a batch file from the list to execute.
The user can also designate a default batch file to be executed during the DLPC900 power-up sequence when the power is applied. For example, if the LEDs are to remain off after power has been applied to the EVM, a batch file can be created with the commands to turn the LEDs off, and then update the firmware with this batch file as the default. The updated firmware can then be uploaded to the EVM. The next time the power is applied to the EVM, the LEDs are disabled from turning on. See the DLPC900 Programmer's Guide for the batch file commands in Appendix B for a complete list of commands that can be used within a batch file.