DLPU105 March 2021 DLP471TP , DLPC6540
This quick-start procedure considers default conditions as shipped.
External Power Supply Requirements:
There are eight indicator LEDs on the DLP LightCrafter Display 471TP EVM (Formatter and Front-End boards), and they are defined in Table 5-1.
Board | LED Reference | Signal Indication | Description |
Formatter | D1 |
LOCKN | Vx1 Interface locked. |
Formatter | D3 |
VIN | Input 19 V power. |
Formatter | D4 | HEARTBEAT | BLINKING after SW1 Switched ON and ASIC is running. |
Formatter | D5 | PWRGOOD | ON when 19 V is applied and PMIC is up. |
Formatter | D6 |
FAULT | Indicates ASIC SW fault has occurred. |
Formatter | D7 | PROJ_ON | ON when SW1 switched ON. |
Formatter | D8 | POSENSE | ON (Red) when 19 V power applied but PROJ_ON is still OFF. |
Front-End | D4 |
SCDT_DR5 | HDMI Input stable. |