DLPU114A August 2024 – November 2024 DLPC8445
Error Code Table | |
Error Code | Description |
2 | RTP Invalid Peripheral |
3 | Flash Operation Locked |
4 | System in Busy State |
5 | Flash Communication failed |
6 | Flash R/W not initialized |
7 | Invalid Parameter |
8 | IRAM R/W not Initialized |
9 | IRAM Communication Failed |
10 | IQC Abort Exception |
11 | IQC Prefetch Exception |
12 | IQC Undefined Exception |
13 | BootRom CRC Error |
14 | Flash Out of Range |
15 | Flash Read Time-out |
16 | Flash SFC busy |
17 | Flash SFC Status Timeout |
18 | Flash Status Timeout |
19 | Invalid Address |
20 | Invalid Byte Count |
21 | Invalid Command Type |
22 | Invalid Command Format |
23 | Invalid Flash Clock Rate |
24 | Invalid Flash Write Sequence |
26 | Invalid OP Code |
27 | Invalid Signature |
28 | Command Mismatch |
30 | Pay Load Size Mismatch |
31 | No Command Available |
32 | No Valid Command Found |
33 | Software FIFO Full |
34 | TXFIFO Full |
36 | RTP GPIO Invalid Pin Access |
37 | RTP GPIO Invalid Dual use Pin Access |
38 | SSF Invalid Peripheral |
39 | SSF Invalid Boot Config Type |
40 | DDP Invalid Flag Id |
41 | Input Parameter Error Type is Invalid |
42 | RTP GPT Error |
43 | Flashtable ID Error |
44 | Flashtable Locked |
617 | I2C Slave Suspended |
801 | UART Port Invalid |
802 | UART Invalid Baud Rate |
803 | UART Invalid Parity |
804 | UART Invalid DataBits |
805 | UART Invalid StopBits |
806 | UART Invalid Flowcontrol |
807 | UART Invalid RX Trigger Level |
808 | UART Invalid TX Trigger Level |
809 | UART Port Disabled |
810 | UART Framing Error |
811 | UART Parity Error |
812 | UART Break Error |
813 | UART Overrun Error |
814 | UART Timeout |
815 | UART unexpected Error |
817 | UART Group Invalid Timeout |
818 | UART Invalid RX Data Polarity |
819 | UART Function not Valid in this Mode |
820 | UART Port in Use |
821 | UART Flowcontrol Not Valid |
822 | UART Invalid RX Data Source |
1001 | SSP Invalid Port |
1002 | SSP Port Disabled |
1003 | SSP Invalid Port Mode |
1004 | SSP Invalid Duplex |
1005 | SSP Invalid Transfer Mode |
1006 | SSP Invalid Chip Select |
1007 | SSP Invalid Data Bits |
1008 | SSP Invalid Clock Rate |
1009 | Invalid SPI Clock Polarity |
1010 | Invalid SPI Clock Phase |
1011 | SSP Timeout |
1012 | SSP Receive Overrun Error |
1013 | SSP Group Invalid Timeout |
1014 | SSP Group Event Fail |
1015 | SSP Unexpected Error |
1016 | SSP Invalid Auto Transfer Size |
1017 | SSP DS Not Populated |
1018 | SSP Invalid Protocol |
1019 | SSP Invalid Number Of Bytes |
1201 | SPI Not Enabled |
1202 | SPI Invalid Secondary Port |
1203 | SPI Invalid Port Chip Select |
1204 | SPI Invalid Listen Command |
1401 | USB Invalid Endpoint number |
1402 | USB Invalid Packet size |
1403 | USB Invalid Endpoint type |
1404 | USB One or more Parameters are Invalid |
1405 | USB Device timeout |
1406 | No free HW endpoins to allocate |
1407 | USB Device not ready |
1901 | Valid flash table is not found |
1902 | Flash initialization failed |
1903 | The provided Index BIGGER_THAN the number of block instances present in flash |
1904 | The provided BlockType is invalid |
1905 | Mismatch between revisions of app binary and flash table |
2201 | No DLPA device configured |
2202 | DLPA SSP chip select conflict |
2203 | Cannot write to read only DLPA register |
2204 | DLPA invalid register Access |
2205 | DLPA register out of Range Value |
2206 | DLPA device index out of range |
2207 | DLPA illumination drive level out of range |
2208 | DLPA illumination drive channel out of range |
2209 | DLPA invalid device ID |
2210 | DLPA incorrect device type |
2211 | Number of DLPA device out of range |
2212 | DLPA functionality not supported |
2214 | DLPA fault condition detected |
2215 | DLPA illumination fault detected |
2619 | SRC VBO Config Block does not exist in Flash |
2620 | Invalid Number of VBO Lanes selected. Valid Lane Mode Configurations are 1 2 4 and 8 |
2621 | Invalid VBO Byte Mode selected. Valid Byte Mode Configurations are 3 Byte 4 Byte and 5 Byte |
2622 | Invalid VBO Data Map selected |
2623 | Invalid VBO FRange selected |
2624 | Invalid Lane Mapping. VBO Lane Configuration should follow 1-1 Mapping |
3402 | Invalid Display Source |
3403 | Display Width Bigger than Valid Max Width |
3404 | Display First Pixel Plus Width Bigger than Valid Maximum Width |
3405 | Display First Line Plus Height Bigger than Valid Maximum Height |
3406 | Display First Line Plus Hieght Bigger Than Valid Maximum Height |
3407 | Display Width Smaller than Valid Minimum Width |
3408 | Display Height Smaller than Valid Minimum Height |
3409 | Crop Width Bigger than Image Width |
3410 | Crop First Pixel Plus Crop Width Bigger than Image Width |
3411 | Crop Height Bigger than Image Height |
3412 | Crop First Line Plus Crop Line Bigger than Image Height |
3413 | Crop Width Is Smaller than Valid Min Crop Width |
3414 | Crop Height Is Smaller than Valid Min Crop Height |
3415 | Input Image Width Bigger than Valid Image Width |
3416 | Input Image Height Bigger than Valid Image Height |
3417 | Input Image Width Smaller than Valid Image Width |
3418 | Input Image Height Smaller than Valid Image Height |
3430 | Source Display Resolution Mismatch |
3431 | Invalid Display Color |
3432 | Warp Calculation Error |
3433 | Unsupported XPR Mode for Display |
3434 | Invalid or no Frame Syncs |
3435 | Unsupported Frame Timings for Scaling Operation |
3501 | Input Horizontal resolution is less than Minumum allowed |
3502 | Input Horizontal resolution is greater than Maximum allowed |
3503 | Input Vertical resolution is less than Minumum allowed |
3504 | Input Vertical resolution is greater than Minumum allowed |
3505 | For Warping Only Keystone feature is supported |
3506 | Image rotation is not supported when warp is enabled |
3507 | Warp is Disabled |
3508 | For provided keystone corners Corner coordinates cannot be negative or more than display resolution |
3509 | For provided keystone corners Two corners coordinates are same which is not supported |
3510 | Unable to Read Angles from Corners Only corners can be read from Angles and Optical parameter Input |
3511 | Unable to Read Optical parameters from Corners Only corners can be read from Angles and Optical parameter Input |
3512 | Provided Keystone Angles are out of Solution Space |
3513 | Provided Throw Ratio Input is not supported |
3514 | Provided Vertical Offset Input is not supported |
3515 | Provided Keystone Angles Input are out of scope of DMD |
3516 | Provided Keystone Corners Input creates twisted image or out of scope of DMD |
3517 | Provided Top-Left Corner Input is not supported |
3518 | Provided Top-Right Corner Input is not supported |
3519 | Provided Bottom-Left Corner Input is not supported |
3520 | Provided Bottom-Right Corner Input is not supported |
3521 | For provided keystone corners Corner coordinates cannot be negative or more than display resolution |
3522 | Provided Input or Display Resolution for keystone operation is not Supported |
3523 | Warp Algorithm Calculation Error |
3524 | Warp Algorithm Calculation Error |
3525 | Warp Algorithm Calculation Error |
3818 | DMD is not parked before enabling DMD power |
3819 | Sequence is enabled before enabling DMD power |
3820 | Failed enabling DMD low speed interface |
3821 | Communication error with DMD Low speed interface |
3822 | DMD fuse read error |
3823 | DMD is not valid for the configuration detected in the system |
3824 | Failed enabling DMD voltages |
3825 | Failed sending global VBIAS command to DMD |
3826 | Failed powering up DMD high speed interface |
3827 | Communication error with DMD high speed interface |
3828 | Failed unparking the DMD mirrors |
3829 | Failed parking the DMD mirrors |
3830 | Failed powering down DMD high speed interface |
3831 | Failed disabling DMD low speed interface |
3832 | Failed disabling DMD voltages |
3833 | True global not supported in DMD |
3834 | DMD is powered up before changing true global mode |
3835 | DMD Clock setup failure |
3836 | Controller is invalid or has not been validated before powering up DMD |
3837 | Failed in Mirror Protection Cicuit initialization |
3838 | DMD Device ID mismatch |
4001 | Selected Look index BIGGER_THAN number of looks in firmware |
4002 | Selected Source type not present in current look |
4003 | Selected Illuminator not present in current Look/Source |
4004 | Desired color time not valid in the current Look/Source/FrameRateBin |
4018 | Sequence start is not internally triggered |
4019 | Input Vsync not providing well defined Vsync |
4020 | Input frame rate is not supported in any of the present bins |
4021 | Selected Source type does not support discrete DC |
4022 | Dark Time % specified in flash is less than the TI specified min value |
4023 | Set System Brightness bins is not found |
4024 | Set Duty Cycle is out of Range |
4901 | The source seleced is not being supported among TPG Splash External Source |
4902 | Configuration Block in Composer Project not Found |
4903 | Invalid Image Processing YCbCr argument |
4904 | Image Provessing input argument out of range |
4905 | Hue Satuation Gain input argument out of range |
4906 | CCA Values resulated in Unsuccessful Measured Luminance not equal to 1 or calculations error |
4907 | HDR Configuration Not valid or out of range |
4908 | HDR is not enabled in the composer project |
4909 | System Brightness is not set via command |
4910 | Issue with the configuraiton. HDR is disabled |
5201 | Value of pattern number is not valid |
5202 | Specified border width is too large |
5203 | Ramp configuration is not valid |
5204 | Function does not match current test pattern |
5205 | Horizontal Resolution is not valid |
5206 | Vertical Resolution is not valid |
5207 | Horizontal Porch is not valid |
5208 | Vertical Porch is not valid |
5209 | Value of Frame Rate is not valid |
5210 | Color Value improper |
5211 | AOM Data not received successfully |
5212 | Pixel Clock crossed greater than maximum limit |
5213 | Parameters for the current test pattern are invalid |
5301 | The splash width is out of VALID range |
5302 | The splash height is out of VALID range |
5304 | Invalid Pixel format. Only RGB 888 RGB 565 and YUV 422 pixel formats are VALID |
5305 | The splash image could not be transferred properly from Flash to Mailbox using FDMA |
5306 | Unable to get the Buffer Mode from AOM |
5307 | Source other than Splash is setup |
5308 | Trying to access an invalid Splash Screen Index |
5311 | Horizontal Front Porch for Splash Image is out of VALID range |
5312 | The Splash Index has not been set |
5313 | The frame rate set for internal FGen is out of VALID range |
5401 | Block does not exist in the system |
5402 | SSI Channel value exceeds 6 |
5403 | SSI minimum drive level for the color exceeds the maximum drive level value |
5404 | PMIC type is invalid(>=3) |
5405 | LED connection error |
8000 | Product configuration error |
12000 | WPC configuraton is invalid or not available |
12001 | WPC calibration data for LED or Sensor or both is/are invalid or not available |
12002 | WPC function is enabled to perform this operation first WPC function needs to be disabled |
12003 | WPC function is disabled to perform this operation first WPC function needs to be enabled |
12004 | WPC sensor initialization failed. It could be because of missing sensor or invalid sensor configuration |
12005 | WPC sensor sync signal initialization failed |
12006 | WPC sensor output couldn't be read |
12008 | WPC calculated DC is not ready. WPC function needs to be enabled to read computed duty cycle |
12009 | WPC calibration matrix computation failed |
12010 | WPC system color point is not ready. WPC function needs to be enabled to read system color point |
12011 | WPC calculated DC is not ready. WPC function needs to be enabled to read computed duty cycle |
12012 | WPC timer configuration failed |
12013 | WPC target white point is invalid or not set |
12014 | WPC feature is disabled in the system |
12015 | WPC target color point gain should not be greater then 0 |
12016 | Invalid LED type specified |
12201 | DB initialization is failed |
12202 | DB configuraton is invalid or not available |
12203 | DB feature is disabled in the system |
12204 | DB configuraton is invalid or not available |
12205 | DB feature is disabled in the system |
12206 | DB function is disabled to perform this operation first DB function needs to be enabled |
12207 | DB output is not processed completely |
12208 | DB configuraton is invalid |
12401 | Illumination configuration is invalid or not available |
12402 | Invalid duty cycle or not within the range supported |
12403 | Invalid duty cycle or not within the range supported |
12404 | Automatic current adjustment is enabled manual update is not allowed |
12405 | Duty cycle is controlled by WPC function manual duty cycle adjustment is not allowed |
12406 | System is running at discrete DC mode duty cycle can be selected only through supported discrete DC sets |
12407 | System is running at DC range mode discrete DC index selection is not allowed |
12408 | Invalid current levels set |
12409 | Invalid duty cycle set |
12410 | Current adjustment is not processed yet |
12411 | Current adjustment failed |
12412 | Duty cycle adjustment couldn't be processed |
12601 | Unsupported sensor type |
12602 | Sensor initialization failed |
12603 | Incorrect Chip ID read from sensor |
12604 | Unable to communicate with sensor |
12605 | Provided I2C Port for sensor is not valid |
12606 | Provided sensor configuration is not valid |
12607 | Data from sensor is not ready yet |
12701 | Thermistor is not availible |
12720 | EEPROM I2C Port not valid |
12721 | EEPROM driver failure |
12722 | EEPROM address not valid |
12723 | EEPROM I2C semaphore acquire failed |
12724 | EEPROM I2C API call error |
12725 | EEPROM invalid device type |
12726 | EEPROM Scratchpad read size should be between 1-2048 bytes |
13000 | EEPROM initialization failed |
13001 | EEPROM communication failed |
13002 | Secondary EEPROM initialization timeout |
13003 | Provided offset is not valid |
13004 | Runtime Data writes are disabled |
13005 | EEPROM write operation failed |
13006 | EEPROM read operation failed |
13007 | Request not valid in Use Default Mode |
13008 | Requested Calibration data block not present in EEPROM |
13009 | Data Manager cannot Update Commit Mode with Data Storage Mode set to Flash |
13010 | Communication with secondary EEPROM failed |
13011 | Flash Sector read failed |
13012 | Flash Sector erase failed |
13013 | Flash Sector write failed |
13014 | Flash setting overwrite limit exceeded |
32767 | Invalid/out of range error type |