DLPU114A August 2024 – November 2024 DLPC8445
This command reads the source timings and errors for the currently selected source as detected by the hardware. For internal sources (TPG, Splash), it reports the timings as generated by the hardware. For these sources there will no timing errors as the timing selection command validates the timings before allowing user to select it. For external source this command will return the parameters as detected. Some of these parameters are directly by the hardware whereas some of them are computed in the software based on the hardware detected parameters. These are the timings as seen by the system when a source is connected. If the system detects any invalid parameter or faces any measurement error, it will report the value detected and flag the error. This command is designed to never return fail so that we can get the system detected parameters at any point of time. If system is in standby mode or in the middle of source detection, the Get Source Status Command will report this status. Under normal scenarios this command should be used only when the Get Source Status Command shows a valid source status. This command can, however, be used to check for any anomalies or errors if the Get Source status command is stuck in external source detection state.
The horizontal and vertical back porches may be less than the front end configuration by a value of 1. This is due to Vsync width and Hsync width being extrapolated from these blankings.