DLPU115B january 2022 – march 2023 DLPC3421
The DLPC342x controller contains an Arm®Cortex®-M3 processor with additional functional blocks to enable video processing and control. TI provides software as a firmware image. The firmware consists of the main application code (used by the Arm processor) along with other configuration and operational data required by the system for normal operation. The controller and its accompanying DLP chipset components require this proprietary software to operate.
The firmware must be programmed into the SPI flash memory. The DLPC342x controller loads the main application into the Arm processor which periodically accesses the operational data. The available controller functions depend on the firmware version installed. Different firmware is required for different chipset combinations (such as when using different PMIC devices). Visit the applicable controller product folder on ti.com, visit the DLP Pico Firmware Selector, or contact TI for the latest firmware.