Script sub-window - shows the Script
Commands entered from the Script Commands sub-window tabs.
The control bar consists of:
- Record Verbose Log check box - controls the logging level of command
data sent over USB and echoed in the Status sub-window. Verbose records
all USB transactions and data. When unchecked only start, stop, break and buffering
commands are echoed to improve script execution speed.
- Down button - moves the currently selected script line down one
- Up button - moves the currently selected script line up one
- First button - moves highlight to the first line of the script.
- Last button - moves highlight to the last line of the script.
- Delete button - deletes the currently highlighted script line.
Note: Save a script to a file
to edit the script manually. Care must be taken to verify that the syntax and command
structure are followed. Blank lines are ignored in the script.
Note: A saved script file has
the version of the GUI used recorded in the first line of the script as a comment.
Note: As compiled for release, a script can contain only 64
unique images to prevent long command buffering time when running a script. The GUI
checks for unique images when the Run Once or Run Continuously
button is pressed. Images above 64 are ignored when the script is executed. This limit can
be changed in the GUI source code and then recompile the GUI.