DLPU124 june 2023
0x0028 | 0 | ab_busswap - swaps the outputs of A with B including serial control output | R/W | 0 |
0 = un-swapped (default) | ||||
1 = swapped | ||||
1 | cd_busswap - swaps the outputs of C with D including serial control output | R/W | 0 | |
0 = un-swapped (default) | ||||
1 = swapped | ||||
8 | en_data_ser_out - enable data and serial control output [0 = A and B active (default); 1= C and D active] | R/W | 0 | |
0 = A and B active (default) | ||||
1= C and D active Note: Only available for the DLP6500FLQ DMD.
Enables using the CD bus to drive a DLP6500FLQ DMD rather than
the AB bus. The DLP9000X DMD and DLP9000XUV DMD ignore this
setting. |