DLPU124 june 2023
Figure 3-4 depicts the switches and connectors with their respective locations. Note: DMD EVM board, APPS FPGA board, power supply (and cable), and USB cable are NOT included with the module.
Connector Reference | EVM Function | Description or Use |
SW1 | Apps FPGA Reset Switch | Momentary contact switch to reset the Apps FPGA GUI code running on the attached AMD Xilinx VC-707 EVM. When released, the Apps FPGA boots from reset. |
SW2 | 8 Position Apps FPGA Options dip switch | Used for selecting Apps FPGA options:
Note: The inputs connected to SW2
are pulled high through a pullup resistor when in the "OFF"
position [logic 1] and pulled low when in the "ON" position
[logic 0]. Positions 0 and 1 are not enabled when the switch is
"OFF" [logic 1] and positions 2, 3, and 7 are not enabled when
"ON" [logic 0]. |
SW3 | DMD Park | Turning this switch off issues PWR_FLOAT and parks
the DMD and stops the DLPC910 logic. Note: Turn this switch
off before disabling power with SW4 and turn this switch on
before enabling power with SW4. Once SW3 is turned off a full power cycle using SW4 is required to restore operation. |
SW4 | Power Enable Switch | Enables Power on the DLPLCRC910EVM. Note: Turn on SW3
(PWR_FLOAT - DMD Park) before enabling power and turn off SW3
before disabling power. |
J1 | Micro USB B Connector | Connect USB cable from PC running DLPC910 GUI. |
J2 | External I2C PMBUS | I2C connector. |
J3 | Apps FPGA Test Points 0 - 7 | Apps FPGA connected test points:
J4 | External PMBUS | PMBUS connector for TI development and test only. |
J5 | Prom address select | Prom address select for USB firmware load [default address 001 - not populated; address 011 - populated]. |
J6 | USB GPIO B0 - B7 | USB GPIO Header:
These pins are available for customer definition or future use. |
J7 | DCLKIN Speed Selection Pin 1 | SPEED_SEL_1 used in conjunction with J11
(SPEED_SEL_0) to select 400 or 480 MHz operation. Routed to Apps
FPGA. Configurations:
Note: The
DLPLCR65FLQEVM does NOT run at 480 MHz. |
J8 | DMD EVM Board HPC FMC Connector | Used to connect a DLPLCR65FLQEVM, DLPLCR90XEVM, or DLPLCR90XUVEVM. |
J9 | DLPC910 Test Points 8 - 15 | DLPC910 connected test points:
Reserved for TI internal testing and debug. |
J10 | DLPC910 I2C Address Selector Jumper | Selects the DLPC910 I2C Address:
J11 | DCLKIN Speed Selection Pin 0 | SPEED_SEL_0 used in conjunction with J7
(SPEED_SEL_1) to select 400 or 480 MHz operation. Routed to Apps
FPGA. Configurations:
The DLPLCR65FLQEVM does not run at 480 MHz. Although the DLP9000X and DLP9000XUV run at 400 MHz, only 480 MHz operation has been fully validated. |
J12 | VSP Enable (no longer used) | This jumper is no longer used. |
J13 | DLPC910 Test Points 0 - 7 | DLPC910 connected test points:
Reserved for TI internal testing and debug. |
J14 | +12 VDC 6-Pin Power Connector (Alternate) | EVM power alternate input. [Pin 1,2,3 = GND, Pin 4,5,6 = +12 VDC, ] See Section 7.1. |
J15 | +12 VDC Power input | EVM power input. [Pin 1 = +12 VDC, Pin 2,3 = GND] See Section 7.1. |
J16 | REV_SEL_0 | DLPR910 Configuration Prom Revision Selection
Jumper. REV_SEL_1 is held low.
J17 | JTAG Connector | JTAG header for connecting a JTAG programmer to the DLPR910. |
J18 | Flash Configuration Connector | SPI Flash programming connector. |
J19, J20, J21 | +12 VDC external Fan Connectors | 2-pin +12 VDC fan connectors [Pin 1 = GND, Pin 2 = +12 VDC] |
J22 | Apps FPGA Reset Jumper | Jumper 22 prevents SW1 from pulling the Apps FPGA on
the attached AMD Xilinx VC-707 EVM into reset.
J500 | Apps FPGA FMC connector 1 | DLPC910 to Apps FPGA and USB parallel interface to the Apps FPGA 400 pin FMC connector. |
J501 | Apps FPGA FMC connector 2 | DLPC910 to the Apps FPGA 400 pin FMC connector. |