SBAA243A December   2017  – August 2024 ADS8900B , ADS8910B , INA240 , OPA320 , REF5050 , THS4551


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Sense Resistor Current INA Out, Amplifier Input ADC Input Digital Output ADS8910B
MinCurrent = ±50mA Out = ±10mV VoutDif = ±21.3mV 233H 56310, 3FDCBH -5640
MaxCurrent = +10A Out = ±2V VoutDif = ± 4.3V 1B851H 11272210 247AEH -11272210
Table 1-1 Supply and Reference
Vs Vee Vref Vcm
5.3 V <Vs <5.5V 0V 5V 2.5V

Design Description

This single-supply current sensing solution can measure a current signal in the range of ±50 mA to ±10 A across a shunt resistor. The current sense amplifier can measure shunt resistors over a wide common-mode voltage range from 0V to 75V. A fully differential amplifier (FDA) performs the single-ended to differential conversion and drives the SAR ADC differential input scale of ±5V at full data rate of 1MSPS. The values in the component selection section can be adjusted to allow for different current levels.

This circuit implementation is applicable in accurate voltage measurement applications such as battery maintenance systems, battery analyzers, battery cell formation and test equipment, automatic test equipment, and Remote Radio Units (RRU) in wireless base stations.

Table 1-2 Specifications
Error Analysis Calculated Simulated Measured
Transient ADC Input Settling > 1LSB > 38µV 6.6µV N/A
Noise (at ADC Input) 221.8µV rms 207.3µV rms 227µV rms
Bandwidth 10.6kHz 10.71kHz 10.71kHz

Design Notes

  1. Determine the shunt sense resistor value and select the current sense amplifier based on the input current range and input common mode voltage requirements. This is covered in the component selection section.
  2. Determine the fully differential amplifier gain based on the current sense amplifier output, the ADC full-scale range input and the output swing specifications of the fully differential amplifier. This is covered in the component selection section.
  3. Select COG capacitors to minimize distortion.
  4. Use 0.1% 20ppm/°C film resistors or better for good accuracy, low gain drift, and to minimize distortion.
  5. The TI Precision Labs training video series covers methods for error analysis. Review the following links for methods to minimize gain, offset, drift, and noise errors: Error and Noise.
  6. The TI Precision Labs – ADCs training video series covers methods for selecting the charge bucket circuit Rfilt and Cfilt. These component values are dependent on the amplifier bandwidth, data converter sampling rate, and data converter design. The values shown here will give good settling and ac performance for the amplifier, gain settings, and data converter in this example. If the design is modified, select a different RC filter. Refer to Introduction to SAR ADC Front-End Component Selection for an explanation of how to select the RC filter for best settling and ac performance.

Component Selection for Current Sense Circuit

  1. Choose the Rsense resistor and find the gain for the current sense amplifier (bidirectional current).
    R sh = V sh ( max ) l load ( max ) = 100 mV 10 A = 0 . 01 Ω
    ± V out ( range ) = ± V REF 2 = ± 5 V 2 = ± 2 . 5 V
    G INA = ± V out ( range ) l load ( max ) × R sh = ± 2 . 5 V 10 A × 0 . 01 Ω = 25 V / V
  2. Calculate the current sense amplifier output range.
    V ina_outmax = G INA × ( l load ( max ) × R sh ) + V ref 2 = ( 20 V / V ) × ( 10 A × 0 . 01 Ω ) + 5 V 2 = 4 . 5 V
    V ina_outmax = G INA × ( l load ( max ) × R sh ) + V ref 2 = ( 20 V / V ) × ( - 10 A × 0 . 01 Ω ) + 5 V 2 = 0 . 5 V
  3. Find ADC full-scale input range and results from step 3.
    ADC Full - Scale   Range = ± V REF = ± 5 V
  4. Find FDA maximum and minimum output for linear operation.
    0 . 23 V < V out < 4 . 77 V   from   THS 4551   output   low / high   specification   for   linear   operation
    V out_FDA_max = 4 . 77 V - 0 . 23 V = 4 . 54 V   Differential   max   output
    V out_FDA_min = - V out_FDA_max = - 4 . 54 V   Differential   min   output
  5. Find differential gain based on ADC full-scale input range, FDA output range and results from step 3.
    Gain = V out_FDA_max - V out_FDA_min V INA_outmax - V INA_outmin = 4 . 54 V - ( - 4 . 54 V ) 4 . 5 V - 0 . 5 V = 2 . 77 V / V
    Gain 2 . 15 V / V   for   margin
  6. Find standard resistor values for differential gain.
    Gain FDA = R f R g = 2 . 15 V / V
    R f R g = 2 . 15 V / V = 2 . 15 1 . 00 = 2 . 15 V / V
  7. Find RfINA, CfINA for cutoff frequency.
    C fINA = 1 2 × π × f c × R fINA = 1 2 × π × 10 kHz × 10 = 1 . 591 nF   or   1 . 5 nF   for   standard   value
    f fina = 1 2 × π × C fINA × R f = 1 2 × π × 1 . 5 nF × 10 = 10 . 6 kHz

Fully Differential DC Transfer Characteristics

The following graph shows a linear output response for inputs from –10A to +10A.

AC Transfer Characteristics

The bandwidth is simulated to be 10.5kHz and the gain is 32.66dB which is a linear gain of 43V/V (G = 20×2.15V/V).

Noise Simulation

The following simplified noise calculation is provided for a rough estimate. Since the current sense amplifier INA240 is the dominant source of noise, the noise contribution of the OPA320 buffers and THS4521 is omitted in the noise estimate. We neglect resistor noise in this calculation as it is attenuated for frequencies greater than 10.6kHz.

f c = 1 2 π × R fINA × C fINA = 1 2 π × 10 × 1 . 5 nF = 10 . 6 kHz
E nINA 240 = e nINA 240 × G INA × K n × f c = ( 40 nV ÷ Hz ) × ( 20 V ÷ V ) × 1 . 57 × 10 . 6 kHz = 103 . 2 μV
E nADCIN = E nINA 240 × G FDA = ( 103 . 2 μVrms ) × ( 2 . 15 V / V ) = 221 . 8 μVrms

Note that calculated and simulated match well. Refer to Noise - Lab for detailed theory on amplifier noise calculations, and ADC noise measurement, methods and parameters for data converter noise.

Transient ADC Input Settling Simulation

The following simulation shows settling to a 10-A DC input signal (ADC differential input signal +4.3V). This type of simulation shows that the sample and hold kickback circuit is properly selected. Refer to Final SAR ADC Drive Simulations for detailed theory on this subject.

Design Featured Devices:

Device Key Features Link Similar Devices
ADS8910B(1) 18-bit resolution, 1-Msps sample rate, integrated reference buffer, fully differential input, Vref input range 2.5V to 5V 18-Bit, 1-MSPS, 1-Ch SAR ADC with Internal VREF Buffer, Internal LDO and Enhanced SPI Interface Precision ADCs
INA240 High- and low-Side, bi-directional, zero-drift current sense amp, GainError = 0.20%, Gain = 20V/V, wide common-mode = –4V to 80V -4 to 80V, bidirectional, ultra-precise current sense amplifier with enhanced PWM rejection Instrumentation amplifiers
THS4551 Fully differential amplifier (FDA), 150-MHz bandwidth, Rail-to-Rail output, VosDriftMax = 1.8 µV/°C, en = 3.3 nV/rtHz Low Noise, Precision, 150MHz, Fully Differential Amplifier Operational amplifiers (op amps)
OPA320 20-MHz bandwidth, Rail-to-Rail with zero crossover distortion, VosMax = 150 µV, VosDriftMax = 5 µV/C, en = 7 nV/rtHz Precision, zero-crossover, 20-MHz, 0.9-pA Ib, RRIO, CMOS operational amplifier Operational amplifiers (op amps)
REF5050 3 ppm/°C drift, 0.05% initial accuracy, 4 µVpp/V noise 5-V, 3-µVpp/V noise, 3-ppm/°C drift precision series voltage reference Series voltage references
The REF5050 can be directly connected to the ADS8910B without any buffer because the ADS8910B has a built in internal reference buffer. Also, the REF5050 has the required low noise and drift for precision SAR applications. The INA240 offers high common-mode range and low gain error in current sensing solutions. The THS4551 is commonly used in high-speed precision fully differential SAR applications as it has sufficient bandwidth to settle to charge kickback transients from the ADC input sampling. The OPA320 is required to isolate the INA240 from any residual charge kickback at the inputs of the FDA.

Link to Key Files

Texas Instruments, ADS8900B Design File, software support