SBAA492A September   2021  â€“ April 2022 PCM3120-Q1 , PCM5120-Q1 , PCM6120-Q1 , TLV320ADC3120 , TLV320ADC5120 , TLV320ADC6120


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
  3. 2Automatic Gain Control
    1. 2.1 High Pass Filter
    2. 2.2 AGC Parameters
  4. 3AGC Results
    1. 3.1 Normal AGC Mode
    2. 3.2 Enhanced AGC mode
  5. 4Examples
  6. 5Related Documentation
  7.   A Revision History

AGC Parameters

Table 2-3 shows the parameters of the AGC algorithm. The first two parameters (AGC Target Level and Maximum Gain) are controlled by writing to the device registers. The other parameters reside in the 32-bit wide coefficient memory (Book 0, Page 5, Page 6, and Page 7) of the device. During warmboot device takes the default values for the parameters in Book 0: page 5, page 6 and page 7, for overriding these parameters with the user values we need to set the bit "DRE_AGC_CFG_DEF_OVR = 1" in DSP_CFG1 register (P0_R108_D2).

Table 2-3 List of AGC Parameters
AGC PARAMETER Function/Description
AGC Target Level (dB) The AGC target level represents the nominal level at which the AGC attempts to maintain its output signal.
Maximum Gain (dB) Upper limit of gain in dB applied by the AGC for signals below target level.
Noise Threshold (dB) The threshold level the AGC utilizes to distinguish noise from weak signals. Signals lower than this threshold are classified as noise and not amplified by the AGC.
Release Time Constant (seconds) How fast the AGC circuitry responds with a PGA gain increase when the input signal falls below the target level.
Attack Time Constant (seconds) How fast the AGC circuitry responds with a PGA gain decrease when input signal rises above the target level.
Release Hysteresis (dB) Amount of signal level decrease in dB past the Target Level that forces the AGC to increase gain and start a release.
Attack Hysteresis (dB) Amount of signal level increase in dB past the Target Level that forces the AGC to decrease gain and start an attack.
Noise Hysteresis (dB) Amount of signal level change past the Noise Threshold that causes the AGC to decide between noise or signal.
Release Debounce (samples) The number of consecutive input samples that falls below Target Level after an attack event before the AGC starts releasing and increasing PGA gain.
Attack Debounce (samples) The number of consecutive input samples that rises above Target Level after a release event before the AGC starts attacking and decreasing PGA gain.
Noise Debounce (samples) The number of consecutive samples for the input to fall below Noise Threshold for the signal to be considered as noise.

AGC Target Level: The AGC target level represents the nominal level at which the AGC attempts to maintain the output signal. The target level is expressed relative to full scale (dBFS) of the ADC output. Table 2-4 lists the AGC Target Level configuration settings. The default is -34 dB. Setting a high target level increases the converted output level. However, large target level settings can lead to clipping the input signal with a sudden increase in the signal level. Therefore, set the target level with enough margin so as to prevent clipping when loud sounds occur.

Table 2-4 AGC Target Level Programmable Settings
0000 The AGC target level is the –6 dB output signal level
0001 The AGC target level is the –8 dB output signal level
0010 The AGC target level is the –10 dB output signal level
… …
1110 (default) The AGC target level is the –34 dB output signal level
1111 The AGC target level is the –36 dB output signal level

Maximum Gain: The maximum gain represents the upper limit of gain applied by the AGC for signals below the target level. Table 2-5 lists the Maximum Gain configuration settings. The default value is 24 dB. It can be programmed from 3 dB to 42 dB with steps of 3 dB.

Table 2-5 AGC Maximum Gain Programmable Settings
0000 The AGC maximum gain allowed is 3 dB
0001 The AGC maximum gain allowed is 6 dB
0010 The AGC maximum gain allowed is 9 dB
… …
0111 (default) The AGC maximum gain allowed is 24 dB
… …
1110 The AGC maximum gain allowed is 39 dB
1111 The AGC maximum gain allowed is 42 dB

Noise Threshold: The threshold level used by the AGC to distinguish noise from weak signals. Signals lower than this threshold are classified as noise and not amplified by the AGC. Noise Threshold is set by writing to the AGC_NOISE coefficient. Equation 5 shows the computation of the AGC_NOISE parameter.

Equation 5. GUID-1F14C715-D00C-4E3F-AB3A-C989F441EF79-low.gif


  • NT is the Noise Threshold in dB

The default value (0xFFFFA600) corresponds to -90 dB. Table 2-6 shows the registers that control the AGC_NOISE parameter.

Table 2-6 Programmable Coefficient Registers for Noise Threshold
AGC_NOISE 0x06 0x20 0xFF AGC_NOISE Byte[31:24]
0x06 0x21 0xFF AGC_NOISE Byte[23:16]
0x06 0x22 0xA6 AGC_NOISE Byte[15:8]
0x06 0x23 0x00 AGC_NOISE Byte[7:0]\

Release Time Constant: How fast the AGC circuitry responds with a PGA gain increase when the input signal falls below the target level. The Release Time Constant is controlled by two coefficients: AGC_REL_ALPHA and AGC_REL_BETA. Equation 6 and Equation 7 show how to compute the AGC_REL_ALPHA and AGC_REL_BETA parameters from the following time constant:

Equation 6. GUID-9B89DEAD-E97F-4A40-950E-19E382FDB8A9-low.gif
Equation 7. GUID-D8D176B1-C264-4C96-8029-4A40E47904F9-low.gif


  • RT is the Release Time Constant in seconds

Table 2-7 shows the registers that control AGC_REL_ALPHA and AGC_REL_BETA parameters. These parameters are written in 2s-complement representation. The default values for AGC_REL_ALPHA and AGC_REL_BETA corresponds to a time constant of 20 milliseconds.

Table 2-7 Programmable Registers for Release Time Constant
AGC_REL_ALPHA 0x05 0x7C 0x7F AGC_REL_ALPHA Byte[31:24]
0x05 0x7D 0xB5 AGC_REL_ALPHA Byte[23:16]
0x05 0x7E 0x16 AGC_REL_ALPHA Byte[15:8]
0x05 0x7F 0x50 AGC_REL_ALPHA Byte[7:0]
AGC_REL_BETA 0x06 0x08 0x00 AGC_REL_BETA Byte[31:24]
0x06 0x09 0x4A AGC_REL_BETA Byte[23:16]
0x06 0x0A 0xE9 AGC_REL_BETA Byte[15:8]
0x06 0x0B 0xB0 AGC_REL_BETA Byte[7:0]

Attack Time Constant: How fast the AGC circuitry responds with a PGA gain decrease when the input signal rises above the target level. Equation 8 and Equation 9 show the computation of the Attack Time Constant Parameters AGC_ATT_ALPHA and AGC_ATT_BETA.

Equation 8. GUID-50206C69-5EF0-42DC-AA84-8DC12336C943-low.gif
Equation 9. GUID-88FDE47E-253D-45F0-AA69-2B301160218D-low.gif


  • AT is the Attack Time Constant in seconds

AGC_ATT_ALPHA and AGC_ATT_BETA parameters are each 32-bit wide, 2s-complement representations, and are controlled by registers shown in Table 2-8. The default values for AGC_ATT_ALPHA and AGC_ATT_BETA corresponds to a time constant of 0.1 milliseconds.

Table 2-8 Programmable Registers for Attack Time Constant
AGC_ATT_ALPHA 0x06 0x0C 0x50 AGC_ATT_ALPHA Byte[31:24]
0x06 0x0D 0xFC AGC_ATT_ALPHA Byte[23:16]
0x06 0x0E 0x64 AGC_ATT_ALPHA Byte[15:8]
0x06 0x0F 0x5C AGC_ATT_ALPHA Byte[7:0]
AGC_ATT_BETA 0x06 0x10 0x2F AGC_ATT_BETA Byte[31:24]
0x06 0x11 0x03 AGC_ATT_BETA Byte[23:16]
0x06 0x12 0x9B AGC_ATT_BETA Byte[15:8]
0x06 0x13 0xA4 AGC_ATT_BETA Byte[7:0]

Release Hysteresis: Amount of signal level decrease past Target Level that forces the AGC to increase gain and start a release. Release Hysteresis is specified in dB. Equation 10 shows the computation of the AGC_REL_HYST parameter.

Equation 10. GUID-37167614-1886-4DAF-8AB0-9AF16F3B9B5D-low.gif


  • RH (>= 0) is the Release Hysteresis in dB

The default value of AGC_REL_HYST is 0x00000300, which corresponds to a hysteresis of 3 dB. Table 2-9 list the registers corresponding to AGC_REL_HYST.

Table 2-9 Programmable Registers for Release Hysteresis
AGC_REL_HYST 0x06 0x34 0x00 AGC_REL_HYST Byte[31:24]
0x06 0x35 0x00 AGC_REL_HYST Byte[23:16]
0x06 0x36 0x03 AGC_REL_HYST Byte[15:8]
0x06 0x37 0x00 AGC_REL_HYST Byte[7:0]

Attack Hysteresis: Amount of signal level increase past Target Level that forces the AGC to decrease the gina and start an attack. Attack Hysteresis is specified in dB. Equation 11 shows the computation of the AGC_ATT_HYST parameter.

Equation 11. GUID-C43AE724-1A11-4413-9648-75ADC3A62E86-low.gif


  • AH (>= 0) is the Attack Hysteresis in dB

The default value of Attack Hysteresis is 1 dB. Table 2-10 shows the registers that control the AGC_ATT_HYST parameter.

Table 2-10 Programmable Coefficient Registers for Attack Hysteresis
AGC_ATT_HYST 0x06 0x3C 0x00 AGC_ATT_HYST Byte[31:24]
0x06 0x3D 0x00 AGC_ATT_HYST Byte[23:16]
0x06 0x3E 0x01 AGC_ATT_HYST Byte[15:8]
0x06 0x3F 0x00 AGC_ATT_HYST Byte[7:0]

Noise Hysteresis: (AGC_NOISE_HYST): Amount of signal level change around the Noise Threshold that causes the AGC to decide between noise and signal. A rising signal has to rise above the Noise Hysteresis level to be amplified to the Target Level. A decreasing signal has to fall below the Noise Hysteresis level to be considered as noise. Noise Hysteresis is specified in dB. Equation 12 shows the computation of the AGC_NOISE_HYST parameters.

Equation 12. GUID-1678D889-26E4-4DF8-8873-BD72828BB63F-low.gif


  • NH (>= 0) is the Noise Hysteresis in dB

The default value of AGC_NOISE_HYST is 0x00000600, which corresponds to a hysteresis of 6 dB. Table 2-10 shows the registers controlling the AGC_NOISE_HYST parameter.

Table 2-11 Programmable Registers for Noise Hysteresis
AGC_NOISE_HYST 0x06 0x54 0x00 AGC_NOISE_HYST Byte[31:24]
0x06 0x55 0x00 AGC_NOISE_HYST Byte[23:16]
0x06 0x56 0x06 AGC_NOISE_HYST Byte[15:8]
0x06 0x57 0x00 AGC_NOISE_HYST Byte[7:0]

Attack Debounce: The number of consecutive input samples that rises above the target level after a release event before the AGC starts attack and decreases the PGA. Equation 13 shows the computation of the AGC_ATT_CNT parameter.

Equation 13. GUID-92519C5D-261C-4A40-B24B-264B4FA8F1E8-low.gif


  • AD (>= 0) is specified in seconds

Table 2-12 shows the registers controlling the AGC_ATT_CNT parameter.

Table 2-12 Programmable Registers for Attack Debounce
AGC_ATT_CNT 0x06 0x18 0x00 AGC_ATT_CNT Byte[31:24]
0x06 0x19 0x00 AGC_ATT_CNT Byte[23:16]
0x06 0x1A 0x02 AGC_ATT_CNT Byte[15:8]
0x06 0x1B 0x00 AGC_ATT_CNT Byte[7:0]

Release Debounce: The number of consecutive input samples that falls below Target Level after an attack event before the AGC starts releasing and increasing the PGA gain. The default value of Release Debounce is 25 milliseconds at 48 kHz. Equation 14 shows the computation of the AGC_REL_CNT parameter.

Equation 14. GUID-0C25E08C-FD88-4786-88B5-7946BE53D22C-low.gif


  • RD (>= 0) is the Release Debounce specified in seconds

Table 2-13 shows the registers controlling the AGC_REL_CNT parameter.

Table 2-13 Programmable Registers for Release Debounce
AGC_REL_CNT 0x06 0x1C 0x00 AGC_REL_CNT Byte[31:24]
0x06 0x1D 0x04 AGC_REL_CNT Byte[23:16]
0x06 0x1E 0xB0 AGC_REL_CNT Byte[15:8]
0x06 0x1F 0x00 AGC_REL_CNT Byte[7:0]

Noise Debounce: The number of consecutive samples for the input to fall below Noise Threshold for the signal to be considered noise. Equation 15 shows the computation of the AGC_NOISE_CNT parameter.

Equation 15. GUID-FEB076BA-72FE-47E4-BEA5-D0805854EB15-low.gif


  • ND (>= 0) is the Noise Debounce time specified in seconds

The default value of AGC_NOISE_CNT is 0x0004B000, which corresponds to a debounce time of 25 milliseconds at 48 kHz. Table 2-14 shows the registers controlling the AGC_NOISE_CNT parameter.

Table 2-14 Programmable Registers for Noise Debounce
AGC_NOISE_CNT 0x06 0x44 0x00 AGC_NOISE_CNT Byte[31:24]
0x06 0x45 0x04 AGC_NOISE_CNT Byte[23:16]
0x06 0x46 0xB0 AGC_NOISE_CNT Byte[15:8]
0x06 0x47 0x00 AGC_NOISE_CNT Byte[7:0]