SBAA545 August 2022 DRV5013 , DRV5013-Q1 , TMAG5110 , TMAG5110-Q1 , TMAG5111 , TMAG5111-Q1
While auto motor modules provide movement in many different applications this document focuses on a window regulator that uses a geared lever to move the glass pane vertically up-and-down. Figure 2-1 shows a conceptual diagram of the window and regulator in a car door. The motor module that powers the regulator is positioned on the lower left of the regulator diagram, and moves the end of the geared lever arm. The end of the other arm on the lower right side of the door moves about a sliding pivot point. As the motor module pinion gear turns, it drives the geared lever arm, moving the overall scissor assembly up or down – closing or opening the window.
The motor module is comprised of the brushed DC motor as well as multiple gears including the pinion, the worm-wheel, and the worm gears. Figure 2-2 shows how the pinion gear of the module drives the geared lever arm regulator. The pinion gear shares a shaft with a worm-wheel gear (internal to the motor module) that is, in turn, driven by a worm gear on the shaft of the motor.