Specification | Minimum | Maximum | |
Overstress Signal |
Voltage (VEOS) |
–30 V |
+30 V |
Absolute Maximum Input Voltage Rating – ADC (AVDD = 5 V, AVSS = 0 V) |
Voltage – Analog Input (Vin_Abs) |
AVSS – 0.3 V |
AVDD + 0.3 V |
Current – Analog Input (Iin_Abs) |
–10 mA |
+10 mA |
Design Description
This circuit shows a solution to protect ADS124S08 delta-sigma ADC from electrical overstress (EOS) for a resistance temperature detector (RTD) application. The protection circuit is designed to provide protection against a ±30-V DC continuous fault as well as a much higher transient fault. Protection against the ±30-V DC fault is needed in case the input terminals are inadvertently connected to the DC supply. The ±24 V is a standard DC supply in industrial systems, so ±30-V protection provides a design margin. The solution is developed for 3-wire RTD input with PT100 RTD sensor and the protection method can also be used for 2-wire, 4-wire RTD input and PT1000 RTD sensor. The protection circuitry includes an external transient voltage suppressor (TVS) diode and a current-limiting resistor to implement an external protection clamp for overstress signal and maintain a minimum impact on measurement accuracy. This circuit is useful in the temperature controller and analog input module of the Programmable Logic Controller in factory automation and control system. For protecting high-voltage SAR ADC from electrical overstress, see the Input protection for high-voltage ADC circuit with TVS Diode and Circuit for protecting ADC with TVS diode and PTC fuse circuit designs. For protecting low-voltage SAR ADC from electrical overstress, see Circuit for protecting low-voltage SAR ADC from electrical overstress with minimal impact on performance.
Design Goals
System Specification | Goal | Measured |
Overstress Voltage | ±30 V | No damage on ADS124S08 |
Accuracy (uncalibrated, –40°C to 85°C) | ±0.5% | < ±0.05% |
Design Notes
Component Selection
Part Number | MFG | Reverse Standoff Voltage (VR) | Breakdown Voltage (VBR) | Clamping Voltage Max (VC at IPP) | Reverse Leakage Max (IR at VR) |
Peak pulse Current (IPP) |
Peak Power Dissipation (PPP) |
Steady State Power Dissipation (PPP) | |
Min |
Max |
SMBJ14CA | Bourns | 14 V | 15.6 | 17.9 | 23.2 V | 1 μA | 25.9 A | 600 W | 5 W |
EOS Fault Voltage | ADC Input Voltage (Abs) | ADC Input Current | Fault Current | ||||
VEOS_max |
+30 V |
Vin_max |
+5.3 V |
IADC_max |
+5 mA |
Ifault_max |
+25 mA |
VEOS_min |
–30 V |
Vin_min |
–0.3 V |
IADC_min |
–5 mA |
Ifault_min |
–25 mA |
The RP1 and R1 are determined by the largest resistor values from the following equations:
For positive overstress voltage +30 V,
For negative overstress voltage –30 V,
The larger value 3.4-kΩ resistor is selected for R1 and a 590-Ω resistor is selected for RP1.
In the following equations, the dissipated power is calculated in R1 and RP1 during a negative electrical overstress fault event which is the worst case for these resistors. The objective is to make sure that the correct power rating is used on the resistors, R1 and RP1.
Hence, the PRP1 is selected as 0.5 W for RP1 with extra design margin.
Hence, the PR1 is selected as 0.1 W for R1 with extra design margin.
Accuracy Measured on Hardware
ADS124S08 Test Board With Input Protection Circuity shows the ADS124S08 EOS test hardware board which is designed for RTD measurement and is protected using the SMBJ14CA TVS diode from Bourns and TVS1401 bidirectional TVS diode from Texas Instruments. The isolated power supply and digital communication circuit on the test board are designed for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) testing which are not covered in this document. The test board utilizes the onboard TM4C1294NCPDT Tiva™Arm® Processors to communicate with the ADC via serial peripheral interface (SPI) and provide communication with a PC over a universal serial bus (USB) interface. The software including the Delta-Sigma ADC EvaluaTIon Software installer and ADS124S08 Device Package installer from the EVM tool page are used to collect conversion data from the ADC and check the performance.
The following image shows the test setup for measuring accuracy and performance.
The next images show the measured accuracy performance for full and zero scale RTD values over ambient temperature from –40°C to +85°C. The purpose of this test is to confirm that the TVS diode leakage did not introduce a significant error across the system ambient temperature range. The test result shows the measured accuracy (< ±0.05%) with all the protection circuitry including TVS diodes and current-limiting resistors across the entire temperature range meets the expected accuracy (±0.5%).
Resolution Measured on Hardware
The next image shows the measured effective number of bits (ENOB) and noise-free resolution with bidirectional TVS diode TVS1401 from Texas Instruments. This test shows that the protection circuit has no significant impact on the ADC noise performance.
Measured Result | ENOB (Bits) | Noise-Free Resolution (Bits) |
High Temp (+85°C) | 21.2 | 18.8 |
Room Temp (+25°C) | 21.3 | 19.0 |
Cold Temp (–40°C) | 21.5 | 19.1 |
Test Condition: low side reference, 3-wire RTD with TVS1401 protection solution. |
ADC Input Overvoltage Condition
The circuit was tested and verified with overstress DC signals. To see how the protection circuit works, an overstress sine wave signal (±60 Vpeak-peak) is applied to the input of the EOS test board. Simulated EOS Signal and Clamped Waveform on IDAC Channel Input shows the clamped waveform which was captured on the AIN5 input of the ADS124S08. The external TVS diode has been turned on and the overdriven signal has been clamped to the voltage between –200 mV and +6.4 V. Note that the clamped waveform is captured on the IDAC channel input (AIN5), so the resistance value of R1 is limited because of the compliance voltage limit on the ADS124S08. The Rflt resistors on other channels of the ADS124S08 are not limited by the compliance voltage, so a large resistance value of Rflt is used to limit the fault current to the ADC input and the overvoltage sine wave signal is clamped to be less than +5.3 V absolute maximum input voltage on the ADS124S08. The ADC device is successfully protected from external electrical overstress signal.
Design Featured Devices
Device | Key Features | Link | Other Possible Devices |
ADS124S08 |
Low power, low noise, 24-bit, 4-kSPS, 12-channel delta-sigma ADC with PGA and voltage reference |
ADS124S08 | ADCS |
ADS124S06 |
Low power, low noise, 24-bit, 4-kSPS, 6-channel delta-sigma ADC with PGA and voltage reference |
ADS124S06 | ADCS |
TVS1401 |
14-V bidirectional flat-clamp surge protection device |
TVS1401 |
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