SBAA637 June 2024 AFE7950
AFE bring-up involves a systematic and Top to Bottom configuration process. For the ease of splitting the step in the configuration file, the bring-up file is divided into multiple steps. The section configured earlier plays crucial role in the subsequent step of bring-up. Detail for each step mentioned below is available in AFE79xx_ConfigurationGuide under Bring-Up Flow and Log File section.
Bring-up Flow:
rstDevice, fuseChain, mcuWakeUp, pllEfuse, pllConfig, serdesConfig, topConfig, sysConfig, configTune, analogWrites, jesdConfig, agcConfig, miscConfig, gpioConfig, sysrefJesdLinkup, postLinkUp, dlJesdLinkupCheck
In the AFE bring-up process, thorough validation is conducted through read checks and register polling at various stages of bring-up. The following is the format definition of the SPI command in AFE7950 configuration file:
SPIWrite Addr, valuetoWrite, LSB, MSB: This command is used to do SPI write for Addr in AFE and addr is up to 15bits, value toWrite is Value to be write for mentioned LSB to MSB bits.
SPIRead Addr, LSB, MSB: This command reads the value from mention addrs for the set LSB to MSB bits.
SPIBurstWrite starting Address, [array of the value to written in the incremental address]: This command burst writes for the AFE, starting address is mentioned and the array indicates the value to write for each incremental address.
SPIReadCheck Addr, LSB, MSB, Expectedvalue: Read check command verifies if the readout of the register matches the expected value. It is a onetime check. Error to read the expected value cause failure.
SPIPoll Addr, LSB, MSB, Expectedvalue: Poll check command verifies the readout of the register repeatedly for certain set period of time until it reads the value, timeout or fails in case of readout not expected.