SBAS430F January   2009  – April 2018 DAC7568 , DAC8168 , DAC8568


  1. Features
  2. Applications
  3. Description
    1.     Block Diagram
  4. Revision History
  5. Device Comparison Table
  6. Pin Configuration and Functions
    1.     Pin Functions
  7. Specifications
    1. 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 7.2 Electrical Characteristics
    3. 7.3 Timing Requirements
    4. 7.4 Typical Characteristics: Internal Reference
    5. 7.5 Typical Characteristics: DAC at AVDD = 5.5 V
    6. 7.6 Typical Characteristics: DAC at AVDD = 3.6 V
    7. 7.7 Typical Characteristics: DAC at AVDD = 2.7 V
  8. Detailed Description
    1. 8.1 Functional Block Diagram
    2. 8.2 Feature Description
      1. 8.2.1  Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
      2. 8.2.2  Resistor String
      3. 8.2.3  Output Amplifier
      4. 8.2.4  Internal Reference
      5. 8.2.5  Serial Interface
      6. 8.2.6  Input Shift Register
        1. Table 1. DAC8568 Data Input Register Format
        2. Table 2. DAC8168 Data Input Register Format
        3. Table 3. DAC7568 Data Input Register Format
      7. 8.2.7  SYNC Interrupt
      8. 8.2.8  Power-on Reset to Zero Scale or Midscale
      9. 8.2.9  Clear Code Register and CLR Pin
      10. 8.2.10 Software Reset Function
      11. 8.2.11 Operating Examples: DAC7568/DAC8168/DAC8568
        1. Table 4.   1st: Write to Data Buffer A:
        2. Table 5.   2nd: Write to Data Buffer B:
        3. Table 6.   3rd: Write to Data Buffer G:
        4. Table 7.   4th: Write to Data Buffer H and Simultaneously Update all DACs:
        5. Table 8.   1st: Write to Data Buffer C and Load DAC C: DAC C Output Settles to Specified Value Upon Completion:
        6. Table 9.   2nd: Write to Data Buffer D and Load DAC D: DAC D Output Settles to Specified Value Upon Completion:
        7. Table 10. 3rd: Write to Data Buffer E and Load DAC E: DAC E Output Settles to Specified Value Upon Completion:
        8. Table 11. 4th: Write to Data Buffer F and Load DAC F: DAC F Output Settles to Specified Value Upon Completion:
        9. Table 12. 1st: Write Power-Down Command to DAC Channel A and DAC Channel B: DAC A and DAC B to 1kΩ.
        10. Table 13. 2nd: Write Power-Down Command to DAC Channel H: DAC H to 1kΩ.
        11. Table 14. 3rd: Write Power-Down Command to DAC Channel C and DAC Channel D: DAC C and DAC D to 100kΩ.
        12. Table 15. 4th: Write Power-Down Command to DAC Channel F: DAC F to 100kΩ.
        13. Table 16. 1st: Write Sequence for Enabling the DAC7568, DAC8168, and DAC8568 Internal Reference All the Time:
        14. Table 17. 2nd: Write Sequence to Power-Down All DACs to High-Impedance:
        15. Table 18. 1st: Write Sequence for Disabling the DAC7568, DAC8168, and DAC8568 Internal Reference All the Time (after this sequence, these devices require an external reference source to function):
        16. Table 19. 2nd: Write Sequence to Write Specified Data to All DACs:
    3. 8.3 Device Functional Modes
      1. 8.3.1 Enable/Disable Internal Reference
        1. Static Mode
          1. Table 20. Write Sequence for Enabling Internal Reference (Static Mode) (Internal Reference Powered On—08000001h)
          2. Table 21. Write Sequence for Disabling Internal Reference (Static Mode) (Internal Reference Powered On—08000000h)
        2. Flexible Mode
          1. Table 22. Write Sequence for Enabling Internal Reference (Flexible Mode) (Internal Reference Powered On—09080000h)
          2. Table 23. Write Sequence for Enabling Internal Reference (Flexible Mode) (Internal Reference Always Powered On—090A0000h)
          3. Table 24. Write Sequence for Disabling Internal Reference (Flexible Mode) (Internal Reference Always Powered Down—090C0000h)
          4. Table 25. Write Sequence for Switching from Flexible Mode to Static Mode for Internal Reference (Internal Reference Always Powered Down—09000000h)
      2. 8.3.2 LDAC Functionality
      3. 8.3.3 Power-Down Modes
        1. DAC Power-Down Commands
  9. Application and Implementation
    1. 9.1 Application Information
    2. 9.2 Typical Applications - Microprocessor Interfacing
      1. 9.2.1 DAC7568/DAC8168/DAC8568 to an 8051 Interface
        1. Detailed Design Procedure
          1. Internal Reference
            1. Supply Voltage
            2. Temperature Drift
            3. Noise Performance
            4. Load Regulation
            5. Long-Term Stability
            6. Thermal Hysteresis
          2. DAC Noise Performance
          3. Bipolar Operation Using The DAC7568/DAC8168/DAC8568
      2. 9.2.2 DAC7568/DAC8168/DAC8568 to Microwire Interface
      3. 9.2.3 DAC7568/DAC8168/DAC8568 to 68HC11 Interface
  10. 10Layout
    1. 10.1 Layout Guidelines
  11. 11Device and Documentation Support
    1. 11.1 Device Support
      1. 11.1.1 Device Nomenclature
        1. Static Performance
          1.  Resolution
          2.  Least Significant Bit (LSB)
          3.  Most Significant Bit (MSB)
          4.  Relative Accuracy or Integral Nonlinearity (INL)
          5.  Differential Nonlinearity (DNL)
          6.  Full-Scale Error
          7.  Offset Error
          8.  Zero-Code Error
          9.  Gain Error
          10. Full-Scale Error Drift
          11. Offset Error Drift
          12. Zero-Code Error Drift
          13. Gain Temperature Coefficient
          14. Power-Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR)
          15. Monotonicity
        2. Dynamic Performance
          1.  Slew Rate
          2.  Output Voltage Settling Time
          3.  Code Change/Digital-to-Analog Glitch Energy
          4.  Digital Feedthrough
          5.  Channel-to-Channel DC Crosstalk
          6.  Channel-to-Channel AC Crosstalk
          7.  Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
          8.  Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
          9.  Spurious-Free Dynamic Range (SFDR)
          10. Signal-to-Noise plus Distortion (SINAD)
          11. DAC Output Noise Density
          12. DAC Output Noise
          13. Full-Scale Range (FSR)
    2. 11.2 Related Links
    3. 11.3 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates
    4. 11.4 Community Resources
    5. 11.5 Trademarks
    6. 11.6 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    7. 11.7 Glossary
  12. 12Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information

Typical Characteristics: DAC at AVDD = 5.5 V

Channel-specific information provided as examples. At TA = +25°C, external reference used, DAC output not loaded, and all DAC codes in straight binary data format, unless otherwise noted.
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_40c_chb_bas430.gifFigure 14. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (–40°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_40c_chf_bas430.gifFigure 16. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (–40°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_25c_chb_bas430.gifFigure 18. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (+25°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_25c_chf_bas430.gifFigure 20. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (+25°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_125c_chb_bas430.gifFigure 22. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (+125°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_125c_chf_bas430.gifFigure 24. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (+125°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_offset-tmp_55v_bas430.gifFigure 26. Offset Error vs Temperature
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_fs_error-tmp_55v_bas430.gifFigure 28. Full-Scale Error vs Temperature
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_gain-tmp_55v_bas430.gifFigure 30. Gain Error vs Temperature
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_source_ch-c_bas430.gifFigure 32. Source Current at Positive Rail (Grades C and D)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_source_ch-d_bas430.gifFigure 34. Source Current at Positive Rail (Grades C and D)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_source_ch-h_bas430.gifFigure 36. Source Current at Positive Rail (Grades C and D)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_idd-code_55v_ext_bas430.gifFigure 38. Power-Supply Current vs Digital Input Code
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_idd-vdd_dis_55v_bas430.gifFigure 40. Power-Supply Current vs Power-Supply Voltage
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_ipd-vdd_55v_bas430.gifFigure 42. Power-Down Current vs Power-Supply Voltage
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_40c_chc_bas430.gifFigure 15. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (–40°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_40c_chg_bas430.gifFigure 17. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (–40°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_25c_chc_bas430.gifFigure 19. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (+25°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_25c_chg_bas430.gifFigure 21. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (+25°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_125c_chc_bas430.gifFigure 23. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (+125°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_le_55v_125c_chg_bas430.gifFigure 25. Linearity Error and Differential Linearity Error vs Digital Input Code (+125°C)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_idd-tmp_dis_55v_bas430.gifFigure 27. Power-Supply Current vs Temperature
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_idd-tmp_en_55v_bas430.gifFigure 29. Power-Supply Current vs Temperature
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_ipd-tmp_55v_bas430.gifFigure 31. Power-Down Current vs Temperature
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_sink_ch-c_bas430.gifFigure 33. Sink Current at Negative Rail (All Grades)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_sink_ch-d_bas430.gifFigure 35. Sink Current at Negative Rail (All Grades)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_sink_ch-h_bas430.gifFigure 37. Sink Current at Negative Rail (All Grades)
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_idd-code_55v_int_bas430.gifFigure 39. Power-Supply Current vs Digital Input Code
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_idd-vdd_en_55v_bas430.gifFigure 41. Power-Supply Current vs Power-Supply Voltage
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_idd-logic_dis_55v_bas430.gifFigure 43. Power-Supply Current vs Logic Input Voltage
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_histo_dis_55v_bas430.gifFigure 45. Power-Supply Current Histogram
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_snr-frq_55v_bas430.gifFigure 47. Signal-to-Noise Ratio vs Output Frequency
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_idd-logic_en_55v_bas430.gifFigure 44. Power-Supply Current vs Logic Input Voltage
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_histo_25vref_55v_bas430.gifFigure 46. Power-Supply Current Histogram
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_pwr_density_55v_bas430.gifFigure 48. Power Spectral Density
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_3rd_hd-frq_55v_bas430.gifFigure 50. Third Harmonic Distortion vs Output Frequency
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_settle_fs_ris_55v_bas430.gifFigure 52. Full-Scale Settling Time: 5-V Rising Edge
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_settle_hs_ris_55v_bas430.gifFigure 54. Half-Scale Settling Time: 5-V Rising Edge
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_feedthru_55v_bas430.gifFigure 56. Clock Feedthrough 2 Mhz, Midscale
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_pwr_on_mid_55v_bas430.gifFigure 58. Power-On Glitch Reset To Midscale
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_glitch_ch-c_7-8_bas430.gifFigure 60. Glitch Energy: 5 V, 1-LSB Step, Rising Edge
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_glitch_ch-d_7-8_bas430.gifFigure 62. Glitch Energy: 5 V, 4-LSB Step, Rising Edge
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_glitch_ch-h_7-8_bas430.gifFigure 64. Glitch Energy: 5 V, 16-LSB Step, Rising Edge
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_noise-frq_bas430.gif
See the Application Information section of this data sheet for more details.
Figure 66. DAC Output Noise Density vs Frequency
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_2nd_hd-frq_55v_bas430.gifFigure 49. Second Harmonic Distortion vs Output Frequency
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_thd-frq_55v_bas430.gifFigure 51. Total Harmonic Distortion vs Output Frequency
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_settle_fs_fal_55v_bas430.gifFigure 53. Full-Scale Settling Time: 5-V Falling Edge
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_settle_hs_fal_55v_bas430.gifFigure 55. Half-Scale Settling Time: 5-V Falling Edge
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_pwr_on_zero_55v_bas430.gifFigure 57. Power-On Glitch Reset to Zero Scale
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_pwr_off_55v_bas430.gifFigure 59. Power-Off Glitch
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_glitch_ch-c_8-7_bas430.gifFigure 61. Glitch Energy: 5 V, 1-LSB Step, Falling Edge
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_glitch_ch-d_8-7_bas430.gifFigure 63. Glitch Energy: 5 V, 4-LSB Step, Falling Edge
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_glitch_ch-h_8-7_bas430.gifFigure 65. Glitch Energy: 5 V, 16-LSB Step, Falling Edge
DAC7568 DAC8168 DAC8568 tc_dac_out_noise_bas430.gif
Figure 67. DAC Output Noise 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz