8.3.10 Output Data Format
Figure 25 illustrates various I2C frames for reading data.
- Read the ADC conversion result: Two 8-bit I2C packets are required (frame A).
- Read the averaged conversion result: Two 8-bit I2C packets are required (frame B).
- Read data with the channel ID or status flags appended: The 4-bit channel ID or status flags can be appended to the 12-bit ADC result by configuring the APPEND_STATUS field in the GENERAL_CFG register. The status flags can be used to detect if a CRC error is detected and if an alert condition is detected by the digital window comparator. When the channel ID or status flags are appended to the 12-bit ADC data, two I2C packets are required (frame C). If the channel ID or status flags are appended to the 16-bit average result, three I2C frames are required (frame D).
When status flags are enabled, APPEND_STATUS is set to 10b and four bits are appended to the ADC output. The device outputs status flags in this order: {1b, 0b, CRCERR_IN, ALERT}. The level transitions on the digital interface, resulting from the fixed 1b and 0b in the status flags, can be used to detect if the digital outputs are shorted to a fixed voltage in the system. The CRCERR_IN flag reflects the corresponding bit in the GENERAL_CFG register. The ALERT flag is the output of the logical OR of the bits in the EVENT_FLAG register.