- Set the jumpers according to Table 6-1.
- Physically connect P2 of the PHI to J10 of
the ADS8568EVM. Install the screws to assure a robust connection.
- Connect USB on PHI to the computer
- LED D5 on the PHI lights up, indicating
that the PHI is powered up.
- LEDs D1 and D2 on the PHI start
blinking to indicate that the PHI is booted up and communicating with the PC; Figure 6-1 shows the resulting
LED indicators.
- Start the software GUI as shown in Figure 6-2. You will notice that the
LEDs blink slowly as the FPGA firmware is loaded on the PHI. This will take a few seconds
then the AVDD and DVDD power supplies will turn on.
- Connect the high voltage power supplies
(HVDD = +15 V, HVSS = -15 V, and GND).
- Connect the signal generator. The default
input range is ±10 V (or 10Vpk). A common input signal applied is a sinusoidal 1kHz, 9.9Vpk
signal with a 0 V offset. Note that this signal is adjusted just below the full scale range
to avoid clipping.
Figure 6-2 shows how the software can
be started on the start menu or using a desktop icon.