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The ADS1x15V2EVM-PDK is a fully assembled evaluation platform designed to highlight the ADS1x15 features and modes of operation that make this device suitable for low-power applications. The ADS1x15EVM sits on top of an accompanying precision ADC motherboard (PAMBoard) used as a USB-to-PC GUI communication bridge. The board combination also serves as an example implementation of connecting a microcontroller (MCU) to communicate with the ADS1x15 device through an inter-integrated circuit (I2C) interface. Figure 1-1 shows a block diagram of the ADS1x15V2EVM-PDK.
The ADS1x15EVM requires an external controller to evaluate the ADS1x15 device.
The PAMBoard is controlled by commands received from the ADS1x15V2EVM-PDK GUI, and returns data to the GUI for display and analysis. If the PAMBoard is not used, the EVM plug-in module format allows for an alternative external host to communicate with the ADS1x15 by connection through the pin headers J1 through J4. Connections to the header are identified on the PCB silkscreen and listed in Table 3-1.
The combined ADS1x15EVM and PAMBoard make up the ADS1x15V2EVM-PDK and incorporates the following features:
The quick start shows a minimalist startup process to get the GUI working with the EVM and to see a simple example for data collection. Details on each step are described in this document. Specifics regarding the GUI installation steps are found in Section 4.2.
The EVM hardware configuration consists of verifying the supply settings and adding a source voltage to be converted. Figure 2-1 shows the EVM hardware setup.