The following instructions describe how to set up and use the EVM.
- Download and install this driver:
- Attach the EVM to the Sensor Control Board (TI-SCB) (see Figure 4-1).
- Connect the EVM to a PC using a USB cable.
- Insert the micro USB cable into the TI-SCB Controller onboard USB receptacle J2.
- Plug the other end of the USB cable into a PC.
- Access the GUI from the below link in either Chrome or Firefox:
- Configure the device through the register map settings:
- Set OPERATING_MODE within the DEVICE_CONFIG register to "Active Measure
Mode" (0b101)
- Set MAG_CH_EN within the SENSOR_CONFIG register to "XYZ" (0b0111)
- Navigate to the Plots panel and click
Collect Data
- Apply a magnetic field to the sensor by doing one of the following:
- Wave the included handheld magnet around the sensor.
- Use the Rotate & Push Module by attaching it to the EVM (see Figure 4-10). For more details on how to use this module, see Section 4.2.2.
- Observe the outputs in the GUI. See Section for more info on GUI setup and operation.