SBAU420 March   2023


  1.   TMAG5170D Evaluation Module Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Overview
    1. 1.1 Kit Contents
    2. 1.2 Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
  4. 2Hardware
    1. 2.1 Features
  5. 3Operation
    1. 3.1 Quick Start Setup
    2. 3.2 EVM Operation
      1. 3.2.1 Setup
        1. Driver Installation
        2. Firmware
          1. Firmware Debug
        3. GUI Setup and Usage
          1. Initial Setup
          2. GUI Operation
      2. 3.2.2 Rotate and Push Demonstration
        1. Optimizing Device Angle Matching
      3. 3.2.3 Direct EVM Serial Communication
  6. 4Schematics, PCB Layout, and Bill of Materials
    1. 4.1 Schematics
    2. 4.2 PCB Layout
    3. 4.3 Bill of Materials

Rotate and Push Demonstration

To use the rotate and push demonstration, follow these steps:

  1. Attach the Rotate & Push module to the EVM as shown in #ID-4951AE70-4DD3-48D6-FEDA-CF3B6266B67A.
    Figure 3-10 Rotate & Push Module on EVM
  2. In the GUI register page:
    1. At this time the Rotate & Push GUI will only show results for the device selected on the register map page.
    2. Make sure that the DEVICE_CONFIG → OPERATING_MODE says (TRIGGER_MODE Active).
    3. Make sure that SYSTEM_CONFIG → TRIGGER_MODE is set to the default value.
    4. Under the SENSOR_CONFIG register:
      1. Make sure both the X and Y channels are enabled (MAG_CH_EN).
      2. Set X_RANGE and Y_RANGE to ±100 mT for A1 versions, and ±133 mT for A2 versions.
      3. Optional: Set ANGLE_EN to X-Y angle calculation.
    5. At the top of the register map, set Auto Read to As fast as possible.
  3. Go to the Rotate & Push tab inside the Plots page (see #ID-06CECCE4-684B-41B0-80C1-4BC0FAAE0B58).
    GUID-37F84E14-D596-4521-B81E-3805D7848579-low.pngFigure 3-11 Rotate & Push GUI Page
  4. If the push button LEDs are not triggering at every angle or trigger when they are not supposed to, calibrate the module by doing the following:
    1. With the settings set to run the demo, slowly rotate the module 360° and use the Plots page to record the absolute value of the minimum and maximum magnetic field measurements (in mT) for both the X and Y channels.
    2. Adjust the Push threshold calibration value found in the Rotate & Push tab to be about 3 mT to 5 mT larger than the maximum value recorded above.