SBOA213B February   2018  – October 2024 OPA1612 , OPA172


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Design Goals

Input Output Supply
ViMin ViMax VoMin VoMax Vcc Vee Vref
100mVpp 50Vpp 1mVpp 500mVpp 15V –15V 0V

Design Description

This tunable band-pass attenuator reduces signal level by –40dB over the frequency range from 10Hz to 100kHz. It also allows for independent control of the DC output level. For this design, the pole frequencies were selected outside the pass band to minimize attenuation within the specified bandwidth range.

Design Notes

  1. If a DC voltage is applied to Vref be sure to check common mode limitations.
  2. Keep R3 as small as possible to avoid loading issues while maintaining stability.
  3. Keep the frequency of the second pole in the low-pass filter (fp3) at least twice the frequency of the first low-pass filter pole (fp2).

Design Steps

  1. Set the pass-band gain.
    Gain = R 2 R 1 = 0 .01 V V   ( 40 dB )
    R 1 = 100
    R 2 = 0 .01 × R 1 = 1  
  2. Set high-pass filter pole frequency (fp1) below fl.
    f l = 10 Hz , f p1 = 2.5Hz
  3. Set low-pass filter pole frequency (fp2 and fp3) above fh.
    f h = 100 kHz
    f p 2 = 150 kHz
    f p 3 2 × f p 2 = 300 kHz
    f p 3 = 300 kHz
  4. Calculate C1 to set the location of fp1.
    C 1 = 1 2 π × R 1 × f p 1 = 1 2 π × 100 × 2.5 Hz = 0 .636 μF 1   μF  (Standard Value)
  5. Select components to set fp2 and fp3.
    R 3 = 8 . 2 Ω  (provides stability for cap loads up to 100nF)
    C 2 = 1 2 π × ( R 2 + R 3 ) × f p 2 = 1 2 π × 1008.2 Ω × 150 kHz = 1052 pF 1200 pF  (Standard Value)
    C 3 = 1 2 π × R 3 × f p 3 = 1 2 π × 8.2 Ω × 300 kHz = 64 .7 nF 68 nF  (Standard Value)

Design Simulations

DC Simulation Results

The amplifier passes DC voltages applied to the noninverting pin up to the common mode limitations of the op amp (±13V in this design)

AC Simulation Results

Transient Simulation Results

Design References

Texas Instruments, Simulation for Band Pass Filtered Inverting Attenuator Circuit, circuit SPICE simulation file

Texas Instruments, Bandpass-Filtered -40-DB Attenuator, Less than 0.1-DB Error, reference design

Design Featured Op Amp

Vss 4.5V to 36V
VinCM Vee+2V to Vcc–2V
Vout Vee+0.2V to Vcc–0.2V
Vos 100µV
Iq 3.6mA/Ch
Ib 60nA
SR 27V/µs
#Channels 1 and 2

Design Alternate Op Amp

Vss 4.5V to 36V
VinCM Vee–100mV to Vcc–2V
Vout Rail-to-rail
Vos 200µV
Iq 1.6mA/Ch
Ib 8pA
SR 10V/µs
#Channels 1, 2, and 4