Input |
Output |
Supply |
Temperature |
Iload Min |
Iload Max |
Min |
Max |
Max |
Vee |
Low |
High |
1µA |
µA |
–0.1V ≤
VCM ≤ 40V |
31.0mV at
1µA |
3.224V at
104µA |
65µA |
3.3V |
(0V) |
0°C |
85°C |
Design Description
This circuit demonstrates how to use a
current sense amplifier to accurately and robustly measure small micro-amp currents
and maximize dynamic range. The following error analysis can be applied to many
current sense amplifiers. This design relies on using a precision, low input-bias
current sense amplifier and analyzing the dynamic error due to input bias currents
on large shunt resistors.
Design Notes
- The Getting Started with Current Sense Amplifiers
video series introduces implementation, error sources, and advanced topic for
using current sense amplifiers.
- Choose a precision 0.1% shunt
resistor to limit gain error at higher currents.
- Choose a low input-bias current
(high input-impedance) amplifier such as the INA190.
- Confirm VCM is within the operating
VCM range of INA190: –0.1V to 40V.
- Error significantly reduces if DC
offsets are calibrated out with one-point calibration or if device operates
under the same conditions as the INA190 Low-Supply, High-Accuracy,
Low- and High-Side Current-Shunt Monitor With Picoamp Bias Current and
Enable data sheet specifies (VVS = 1.8V,
VCM = 12V, VREF = 0.9V, TA = 25°C). A
two-point calibration can be done to eliminate gain error.
- It is recommended to add ≥ 1nF
input differential capacitor to INA190 inputs when working with large shunt
resistors and DC currents.
- Follow best practices for layout
according to the data sheet: decoupling capacitor close to VS pin, routing the
input traces for IN+ and IN- as a differential pair, and so forth.
Design Steps
- Given the design requirements,
verify the shunt resistor achieves a maximum total error of 3.51% at 1µA load
current. Assume all offset and gain errors are negative. Note that error due to
input bias current (IIB) is a function of the VSHUNT and
input differential impedance (RDIFF) where RDIFF =
IIB+/VDIFF. Since IIB- starts around +500
pA and decreases as VSHUNT increases, this generates a negative input
offset error. See the IB+ and IB- vs Differential Input Voltage plot in
the data sheet.
- Verify that the sensed current range fits within the output
dynamic range of the device. This depends upon two specifications:
Swing-to-VVS (VSP) and Zero-current Output Voltage
(VZL). VZL is specified over -40°C to +125°C at
VVS = 1.8V, VREF = 0V, VSENSE = 0mV,
VCM = 12V, and RL = 10kΩ. Since data sheet conditions
do not match the conditions of this design, extrapolate what the maximum
VZL would be.
- Calculate the maximum
possible positive offset for testing conditions of VZL. Call
this VOS_TestConditions.
- Convert this input offset
into an output offset by multiplying by maximum possible gain.
- Determine the Headroom
voltage by taking difference between the VZL_MAX from data
sheet and the previously determined maximum output offset.
- Calculate
VZL_MAX in this design by adding the Headroom voltage to
the maximum possible output offset for this design.
- Verify that the minimum
VOUT at 1µA is greater than VZL_MAX. Note
VOUT_MIN at 1µA assumes worst-case scenario of –1%
tolerance for RSHUNT and negative input offsets.
- Now establish that the
maximum VOUT at 104µA is less than VSP_MIN. Note
VOUT_MAX at 104µA assumes worst-case scenario of +1%
tolerance for RSHUNT and positive input offsets.
- Generate Total Error vs Load
Current curves based upon the total error equations in Step 1. Do this
for the typical and maximum data sheet specifications.
Design Simulations
DC Simulation Results
The following graph shows a linear
output response for load currents from 1µA to 104µA
Total Error Calculations
The following graph shows the total
absolute error over temperature using both the assured limit specifications and the
typical specifications. Note that accuracy is limited by the offset voltage at the
lowest current sensed and limited by gain error at higher currents. Active offset
chopping limits the error due to temperature.
Design Featured Current Shunt Monitor
INA190A1 |
1.8V to 5V (operating) |
-0.3V to 42V (survivability) |
Up to (VVS) + 0.3V |
±3µV to ±15µV |
IQ |
48µA to 65µA |
0.5nA to 3nA |
BW |
45kHz at 25V/V (A1 gain variant) |
# of Channels |
1 |
INA190 |