SBOA570 may 2023 LMC6061 , LMC6081 , OPA192 , OPA2277 , OPA2350 , OPA277 , OPA320 , OPA328 , OPA350 , OPA391 , OPA392 , OPA4277 , OPA4350
Placing a resistance on the non-inverting input of the op amp will translate current noise to voltage noise. Furthermore, when this resistor is increased so that then current noise will be the dominant noise source. However, as discussed previously, when Rs is increased to be very large, the noise bandwidth and signal bandwidth of the amplifier is limited, so the increasing current noise from f-squared noise may not be significant. It is, however, possible to mathematically correct for the bandwidth limitations and subtract thermal noise from the source resistor to reveal the current noise over frequency. The following is a procedure that can be used to measure low levels of current noise and correct for the parasitic impedance. Table 7-1 defines the variables used in the test procedure.
Variable | Definition |
Rs | Source resistance |
in | Amplifier current noise |
Gcl | Closed loop gain |
GBW | Amplifier gain bandwidth data sheet specification |
Ccm | Amplifier common mode capacitance |
Cpar | PCB trace parasitic capacitance |
Xcm | Impedance of the amplifier common mode capacitance and parasitic capacitance |
enOUT | Measured output voltage noise |
enRTI | Measured noise referred to the amplifier input |
enr | Thermal noise of source resistance |
enRTI | Thermal noise of source resistance referred to the input of the amplifier |
en_current | Voltage noise due to amplifier current noise referred to the input |
Zinput | Impedance seen by amplifier input |
in | Amplifier current noise |