SBOA583 December 2023 OPA205 , OPA206 , OPA210 , OPA2206 , OPA2210 , OPA2392 , OPA2828 , OPA320 , OPA328 , OPA365 , OPA392 , OPA397 , OPA828
Normally when an op-amp input is driven beyond the common-mode range, the output becomes distorted or clipped. During the early years of op-amp semiconductor development some amplifiers exhibited a different phenomenon when the common-mode range was exceeded, called phase reversal. When the common-mode range is exceeded for a device with phase reversal, the output actually moves in the opposite of the expected direction. Figure 4-1 illustrates this issue on a buffer amplifier. Notice that when the input moves positively beyond the common-mode range the output actually moves negatively. This problem is related to a design oversight, and all modern amplifiers are designed and tested so that this issue is no longer a problem. Even legacy devices that once had phase reversal, have generally been revised to correct this issue. This section is included in the document to alleviate concerns related to legacy literature. Most modern data sheets include a line item indicating no phase reversal.