SBOA590 November 2024 OPA186 , OPA206 , OPA328 , OPA391 , OPA928
Zero-drift amplifiers use an internal circuitry to continuously correct the VOS and VOS drift. Chopper and auto-zero are two different architectures used to achieve the VOS correction, so the terms zero-drift, chopper, and auto-zero are often used interchangeably. The internal offset correction generally reduces maximum VOS to less than 10µV and VOS drift to less than 0.05µV/°C. Other parameters such as AOL, PSRR, CMRR, and EMIRR are also improved by the reduction in offset. The main limitation of zero-drift amplifiers are input bias current transients from switching charge injection and clock-feedthrough. These transients can translate into an additional VOS when large feedback resistors are used. Also, this transient can introduce unwanted noise tones at the zero-drift auto-correction frequency. The application note, Optimizing Chopper Amplifier Accuracy covers details on using zero-drift amplifiers and minimizing the errors introduced by the IB transients.