SCPA071 February   2024 SN3257-Q1 , TMUX1308-Q1 , TMUX1308A-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Typical Application
  6. 3Summary
  7. 4References

Typical Application

Injection current is the current that is being forced into a pin by an input voltage (VIN) higher than the positive supply (VDD + ∆V) or the lowest potential (GND or VSS). The current flows through the input protection diodes into whichever supply of the device that the VIN signal is exceeding, potentially compromising the accuracy and reliability of the system. This current results in a ΔVOUT at the output. A device with Injection Current Control can have a parameter in the data sheet referred to as Injection Current Coupling which is a ΔVOUT spec that shows the maximum shift of the output voltage of an enabled signal path under various conditions. Injected currents can come from various sources depending on the application.

  • Harsh environments and applications with long cabling, such as in factory automation and automotive systems, can be susceptible to injected currents from switching or transient events.
  • Other self-contained systems can also be subject to injected current if the input signal is coming from various sensors or current sources.

When considering a device with the Injection Current Control feature to account for Short to Battery conditions it's important to understand how this feature works. The internal injection current control circuitry allows you to have a signal on the disabled paths without affecting the enabled path. In fact, these signals can even exceed the supply voltages. This circuitry, as shown in Figure 2-1, also provides protection against currents injected into the disabled paths, a feature not typically supported by standard CMOS switches. Moreover, TI offers switches like TMUX1308-Q1 and TMUX1309-Q1 that lack internal diode paths to the supply pin, thereby eliminating the risk of damaging components connected to the supply pin or unintentionally powering the system supply rail.

GUID-A371A7FB-7DEA-4C44-994F-E883AB9B5BD8-low.gifFigure 2-1 Current Injection Control Circuitry

The Injection Current Control circuitry is independently controlled for each source or drain pin (Sx or D). The control circuitry for a particular pin is enabled when that input is disabled by the logic pins and the injected current causes the voltage at the pin to be above VDD or below the lowest potential. The injection current circuit includes a FET to shunt the undesired current to GND in the case of overvoltage or injected current events. For example, each injection current circuit in the TMUX1308-Q1/TMUX1309-Q1 is rated to handle up to 50mA; the device, however, can support a maximum current of 100mA at any given time into all of the switch inputs combined. Limiting injected current into the device is as simple as adding a series limiting resistor to the signal path. This resistor can be calculated using Ohms Law (V=IR).

The limiting resistor can be efficiently used to help your system survive short to battery conditions. Let's take a look at an example utilizing the TMUX1308-Q1, which demonstrates several common use cases of implementing a series limiting resistor to survive such conditions.

We begin with the following setup to explore our first scenario with channel S7 selected and channel S0 experiencing a Short to Battery condition.

GUID-20230623-SS0I-VNKW-LMHP-0HVZXSGFHB9W-low.svgFigure 2-2 Channel S7 Selected, Channel S0 Experiencing a Short-to-Battery Condition

In this use case, we take a look at a layout of the TMUX1308-Q1 experiencing a Short to Battery condition on an unselected channel, S0, while channel S7 is selected. Using a 12V battery as an example, a quick calculation using the IS/ID spec of 25mA shows that an approximate RLIM value of 480Ω can be needed for the channel to limit enough current such that the device is still within recommended operating conditions. In practice, this value can slightly vary depending on system design. In these experiments, we also were concerned about keeping VSBAT at a value of 5.6V to provide headroom for the absolute maximum ratings of the device. For example, a value of 470Ω was seen to be sufficient enough to limit the current while maintaining a VSBAT voltage within absolute maximum ratings. Note that choosing too large of an RLIM can substantially limit current flow, but also provide a smaller ∆VOUT. Choosing too small of an RLIM can damage the device by allowing too much current to flow.

Table 2-1 indicates values of ∆VOUT, VSBAT and minimum RLIM for various VBAT cases when considering a maximum allotment of 25mA for IS/ID per the data sheet.

Table 2-1 RLim Values for 25mA Through the Switch
12V470< 10 uV5.6V
19V750< 10 uV5.6V
24V1K< 10 uV5.6V
36V1.5K< 10 uV5.6V
48V2K< 10 uV5.6V
60V2.4K< 10 uV5.6V
GUID-20230623-SS0I-QHFN-QTF3-5H2S8TWM6RPD-low.svgFigure 2-3 All Unselected Channels Experiencing a Short-to-Battery Condition

We then evaluate the scenario of seeing a Short to Battery condition on all unselected channels at the same time. Table 2-2 indicates values when considering a maximum allotment of 12.5mA for IS/ID. This is due to taking the IINJ spec of 100mA and dividing by 8 to represent all channels. If you have the potential to see Short to Battery on all channels at the same time, then 12.5mA is the limiting factor. In practice, values can slightly vary depending on system design. In these experiments, we also cared about keeping VSBAT at a value of 5.6V to provide headroom for the absolute maximum ratings of the device. Here again, choosing too large of an RLIM can substantially limit current flow, but also provide a smaller ∆VOUT. Choosing too small of an RLIM can also damage the device.

Table 2-2 RLim Values for 12.5mA Through the Switch
12V1K< 10 uV5.6V
19V1.5K< 10 uV5.6V
24V2K< 10 uV5.6V
36V3K< 10 uV5.6V
48V3.9K< 10 uV5.6V
60V4.7K< 10 uV5.6V
GUID-20230623-SS0I-SBNR-VRQK-GBGXCJRGZGCQ-low.svgFigure 2-4 Short-to-Battery Condition Only on a Single Selected Channel

We then evaluate the scenario of a Short to Battery occurring when the switch is closed using a 5V supply. As such, input voltage needs to be limited to 6V. Table 2-3 indicates values of RLIM needed to keep the voltage of a selected channel under 6V using a standard 5V VDD for all short to battery cases. Choosing too large of an RLIM can decrease ∆VOUT while substantially limiting current flow. Choosing too small of an RLIM can also damage the device.

Table 2-3 RLim Values for <6V Through the Switch
12V1.6K< 10 uV5.9V
18V3K< 10 uV5.9V
19V3.3K< 10 uV5.9V
24V4.7K< 10 uV5.9V
36V10K< 10 uV5.9V
48V13K< 10 uV5.9V
60V15K< 10 uV5.9V

Note that if using a lower supply voltage, the RLim values can change for the best current flow. Always be aware of electrical characteristics in the data sheet such that proper operation of the device is designed for.