SFFS444 September   2024 ISO1211


  1.   1
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Overview
  4. 2Functional Safety Failure In Time (FIT) Rates
    1. 2.1 8-D (Narrow Body SOIC) Package
  5. 3Failure Mode Distribution (FMD)
  6. 4Pin Failure Mode Analysis (Pin FMA)
    1. 4.1 8-D (narrow-body SOIC) Package

8-D (narrow-body SOIC) Package

Figure 4-1 shows the ISO1211 pin diagram for the 8-D package. For a detailed description of the device pins please refer to the Pin Configuration and Functions section in the ISO1211 data sheet.

ISO1211 Pin Diagram (8-D)
                    Package Figure 4-1 Pin Diagram (8-D) Package
Table 4-2 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Ground
Pin Name Pin No. Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
VCC1 1 No power to the device on the logic side. Verify that the absolute maximum ratings for all pins of the device are met; otherwise, device damage is plausible. OUT state undetermined. A
EN 2 Disables the output buffer for OUT. OUT is in a high impedance state. B
OUT 3 OUT stuck low. Device damage is plausible if IN and SENSE cause OUT to stay high for an extended period of time. A
GND1 4 GND1 shorted to GND1. Normal operation. D
SUB 5 Substrate shorted to FGND. A negative potential in the IN and SENSE pins can cause permanent damage. A
FGND 6 FGND shorted to FGND. Normal Operation D
IN 7 IN shorted to FGND and device damage is plausible A
SENSE 8 SENSE shorted to FGND and device damage is plausible A
Table 4-3 Pin FMA for Device Pins Open-Circuited
Pin Name Pin No. Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
VCC1 1 Device is not powered up. If EN is high, then current can flow through ESD to VCC1, which can cause potential damage. A
EN 2 Control on OUT output buffer is lost but field side data from IN and SENSE to OUT channels continues normally. B
OUT 3 State of OUT undetermined. Field side data from IN and SENSE to OUT is lost. B
GND1 4 No return ground pin. B
SUB 5 Substrate opened as expected. Normal operation. D
FGND 6 No return ground for field side. B
IN 7 No device damage but there is loss of critical functionality. B
SENSE 8 No device damage but there is loss of critical functionality. B
Table 4-4 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Adjacent Pin
Pin Name Pin No. Shorted To Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
VCC1 1 EN Externally, the VCC1 supply and EN driver output is shorted when VCC1 and EN is supplied and the logic high level and OUT is enabled and functions as expected. This function is dependent on the VCC1 and EN pin level results of the device. If VCC1 and EN is not supplied and low then OUT is not enabled and the output is off. B
EN 2 OUT Device damage is plausible. A
OUT 3 GND1 OUT stuck low. Data communication from IN and SENSE to OUT is lost. Device damage is plausible if IN and SENSE cause OUT to stay high for an extended period of time. A
GND1 4 OUT OUT stuck low. Data communication from IN and SENSE to OUT is lost. Device damage is plausible if IN and SENSE cause OUT to stay high for an extended period of time. A
SUB 5 FGND Substrate shorted to FGND. Device damage is plausible. A
FGND 6 IN FGND shorted to IN and device damage is plausible. A
IN 7 SENSE IN shorted to SENSE and device damage is plausible. A
SENSE 8 IN IN shorted to SENSE and device damage is plausible. A
Table 4-5 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Supply
Pin Name Pin No. Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
VCC1 1 No effect. Normal operation. D
EN 2 Functionality to disable the output buffer OUT is lost. OUT behaves as expected. B
OUT 3 OUT stuck high. Data communication from IN and SENSE to OUT is lost. Device damage is plausible if IN and SENSE cause OUT to be low. A
GND1 4 This causes high current to flow in the device and device damage is plausible. A
SUB 5 Substrate shorted to VCC1 and device damage is plausible. A
FGND 6 Field side ground shorted to VCC1. Causes high current to flow in the device and device damage is plausible. A
IN 7 IN shorted to VCC1 and device damage is plausible. A
SENSE 8 SENSE shorted to VCC1 and device damage is plausible. A